i need advice, and a little better feeling

by Guest » Wed Dec 13, 2017 04:21 pm

help. My husband who I had been involved with off and on before we finally got married shortly before he died of a serious brain disease, At the time of our marriage we were told to get everything in order which we thought we would have time to do, but found that time was running out fast, couldnt afford attorney, messed up on FPOW and he cahnged his beneficiary to me as his legal wife removing his kids as they basically didnt help him, and saw him once while he was in my care fully 24 7 with help of my grandson, they live in californina and wanted to put him in nursing home, he begged me to marry him and keep him at home, which I did. Hoispice helped and when he passed his adult children said he was unable to sign a change of beneficiary and wasnt able to make decisions. JE was, and dr never said he couldnt think till after he requested change of beneficiary. I know he loved his kids and wanted them to get some, but not all of his life insurance. he instructed me what to do. now they say I coerced him to sign policy over to me....not true and give his car to my bgrandson as he could no longer drive and my grandson basically took him where ever he wanted to go. I hired an attorney, his kids want to give me 10 thousand dollarrs from a 150,000.00 dollar policy. I am not greedy, but shouldnt part of that come to me to help me survive without his help as I get nothing extra now, I am not greedy, but feel that 50 50 split is fair. I am beyond hearbroken, please advice. My attorney said this will just go back and forth, with him and their lawyer, till we either settle of one reaches breaking point. they were so grateful for me and my help while he was alive, and now hes gone, im trash, a con artist and no good, they did nothing for him and said I kept =hi, away from them, not true....what is chance we can settle this like adults....im 62 they ( 3 of them are in their 20s) thank you

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