by Insurance Expert » Sun Aug 09, 2009 01:03 am
My guess is that 30% of life insurance policies are not owned by the insured. This is simply a guess. Does anyone else have a guess? Does anyone know the answer?
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 01:11 am Post Subject: insurance
I'm going to guess (of course..) possiblilty more than that. I'm saying that because of some threads I have read. For example: People are looking for Life Insurance policies, see if they are IN the policy. NOT if they are the OWNER or not. Hope this makes sense (my 'explaination', I mean).
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:39 am Post Subject:
SDCharger, the threads to which you are referring have to do with people not knowing whether they are beneficiaries. That's a different issue. In fact, with almost all of those policies, the person asking the question is either not a beneficiary or the owner and the insured are the same person.
The reason why I can say that is that the policies in which the owner and the insured are different people, the owner is usually the beneficiary.
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 01:21 pm Post Subject:
I think they are different peron for the beneficiaries and insured. You can choose one when you sign the agreement. Off course it is normal. What's the problem with you.
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