How can I find out if my Mother was a beneficiary on a polic

by phadleyus » Sat Nov 29, 2008 03:30 am

How can I find out if my Mother was a beneficiary on a policy after her death. This policy was taken out by my Grandmother who died after my Mother. I think this policy was paid and that the insurance company was told that there was no next of kin by a relative. I am a only child and this was not true. This policy was issued in the state of Florida and I am not sure how I can confirm if there was an actual policy and if this policy was paid with the insurance company thinking my Mother was still living or that she had no next of kin. Please advise me the website that may contain this information. I do not know the insurance companies name that issued the policy.

(I added your other post that was included in another thread---lori)

How can I find out if my Mother was a beneficiary on a policy after her death. This policy was taken out by my Grandmother who died after my Mother. I think this policy was paid and that the insurance company was told that there was no next of kin by a relative. I am a only child and this was not true. This policy was issued in the state of Florida and I am not sure how I can confirm if there was an actual policy and if this policy was paid with the insurance company thinking my Mother was still living or that she had no next of kin. Please advise me the website that may contain this information. I do not know the insurance companies name that issued the policy.

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 02:26 pm Post Subject:

There is a website you can pay to look for this info i think, someone with that info will be along i'm sure..

Do you know the company? if so you can contact them directly..what kin is this person and what makes you believe this occured? Was your mother also an only child? Who cleaned out grandma's house and belongs? I would think you would've been involved in that...were any policys found?

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 09:01 pm Post Subject: Reponse to questions

Thank you for your response. No my Mother was not an only child. She was the oldest of six children. The house was cleaned out by my Mother's 1/2 sisters. However my Grandmother's sister informed me that there was a possible insurance policy left to my Mother and this policy may have been cashed under fraudlent circumstance. One of the my Mother's 1/2 sisters may have signed and cashed the policy. I do not know the name of insurance company. I was wondering if there was a way to find out if this policy existed and if it has been cashed.

Would I need to contact the Insurance commissioner in the state of Florida to obtain this information.. since this may involve possible insurance fraud.

Thank you for your assistance.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:20 pm Post Subject:

How can I find out if my Mother was a beneficiary on a policy after her death. This policy was taken out by my Grandmother who died after my Mother. I think this policy was paid and that the insurance company was told that there was no next of kin by a relative.

If the named beneficiary (your Mom) died first then she's no longer the beneficiary.

If Grandma never named a contingent beneficiary then the proceeds would be paid to "The Estate of Grandma" and whoever were the heirs of "Grandma's Estate" would receive the proceeds via a Probate Court proceeding.

Simply check the Probate Court Records in the county where your Grandma lived and see if there was ever a probate case opened. Probate Court records are Public Records.

However my Grandmother's sister informed me that there was a possible insurance policy left to my Mother and this policy may have been cashed under fraudlent circumstance. One of the my Mother's 1/2 sisters may have signed and cashed the policy.

Well, now which is it?

First you say the policy was paid (claim paid?) now you say someone cashed out a dead person's policy? I'm confused? Regardless, your Mother nor any of HER heirs would be entitled to ANY of those proceeds because your Mother died first, before Grandma, unless they were listed an a beneficiary under Grandma's Will, if any.

It would be quite ballsy to fraudulently sign the cash surrender withdrawal forms on a dead person. Plus the check from the insurance company would be made out to, Pay To The Order Of: Grandma, and someone would have to deposit that check into Grandma's account then spend the proceeds on themselves.

Highly unlikely.

So what to do?

Go to the county clerk's office and check probate records.
Go to Grandma's bank and ask them if any checks were deposited into her account after her death.

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