by bjamm1972 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 08:33 pm
My ex had no will. This is a real unfortunate event. I am really learning alot by going through this. Where would I go to find out the specific laws for this in the state of Illinois? Thanx
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 05:04 am Post Subject:
Hi Bjamm,
If there is no will the estate would then get divided amongst the immediate family of the decedent, i.e. living spouse and child. Both of them would receive equal share of the estate.
Further, if the decease has no spouse and child then his parents and siblings would become the heirs.
Has your ex remarried? Who is his next kin?
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 09:44 am Post Subject:
Hi Bjamm..
Where would I go to find out the specific laws for this in the state of Illinois?
See, in the absence of a will the estate would be regarded as "intestate estate" and the assets of the estate would be governed by the intestate succession law. Under such circumstances, a statutory distribution method laid down by the Illinois legislature would be followed.
Now do you wanna open probate?
Would you like to file a petition (to get the estate opened) with the court?
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