Contesting Life Insurance Advice/Info

by Guest » Wed Jan 21, 2009 05:29 am

Hello Everyone,

I read this topic in a couple of posts, so this matter is no surprise, but this case is a bit differnt.

My father committed suicide a few months ago, he had changed his beneficiary on his group life insurance (from work) just a bit over five week before committing the act. He changed it to a woman who he had only been with for 6 months. Before this he still had the ex-girlfriends name on it.

Now, my mother and father had divorced 10 years earlier, and neither of us kids have been on his life insurance, We just started re-building our relationship for the last three years, and we were close. My father called me 2-3 times a week, then when this woman really started getting in my father was appearing to be alienated from me and the calls were becoming less.

The ex-girlfriend had access to his "online" benefits, and 'AFTER" he passed, she confirmed that he changed the beneficiary, so she changed it back to herself again. I turned her in, and she is now being investigated for fraud. Wit the other woman, before my father met her, he was doing very well, new house, new Harley, new dog, money in the bank, etc. After he had met her, she was married, and going through a foreclosure. Third marriage, and second foreclosure.

My fahter's ex confirmed that after we started talking again, she was to carry out some wishes for his insurance........ buy me a house, pay my debt, and give money to my two kids for college. But now, because it has been changed, it is no longer going to work that way. The investigation was suppose to be closed as soon as the coroner confirmed that it was a suicide, and signed off on the DC, they were calling it cut aqnd dry, and was not even going to have the DA look it over. I had two visits with the detective to have him court order her phone records, felt she had heard my father's message stating that she was going to kill him self. He would not do it, said there was no cause to do so.

Went over his head and finally got the Lt do do it, once received, it did in fact show she answered her messages, and he sent it to the DA to make sure they were not missing a criminal. DA said it because in WI, it was not a crime to commit suicide, he was not able to charge her with duty to aid, but is writing up a letter (have not seen as of yet), but I do have a case for a civil.

Before I had done all of this, I had already contested the life insurance on the basis of my father not being of right mind and character flaw on her behalf. Received three letter, third one being a beneficiary packet. I called and said, if I am not the beneficiary, then why am I receiving this and asking for the DC and final record?? Are you saying I am the beneficiary?? They said no, I am saying that you are the Heir. So as time goes by (I have a lawer, but he is not very familar with life ensurance, but was willing to do what is needed) we finally receive the police report, and in it it said that the woman said she did receive something saying she was the beneficiary, but has not sent anything in (because of the problems in our family not believing her about my father's death) but she was not sure if she would in the future.

Just found out (which I knew) she sent paper work in, now, they are holding funds for a reasonable amount of time for me to take legal action. Also, in police report she stated, she knew of the change, and that a friend (who is a old man on oxygen) supposedly helped my father make the changes. If this were true, then why was her "First name spelled wrong, and he did not put her SS#?? She also stated that he should make me beneficiary, and she claims that he said, he did not know if I would waste the money. If this were true, then why would my father have taken on a big responsibility in co-sponsoring my husband, and why would he have not left anything for my children??

So, my lawyer is going to civil lit, but I am wanting to know, is there a chance of her not getting this?? I forgot, the police report that my lawyer received was not the full report, the PD released it before the investigation was closed (about 1 week later from sending the Beneficiary packet). Also, does the insurance company only go by the report, or do they take into account the contest letter??

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Total Comments: 11

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 01:35 am Post Subject:

I'm not saying you don't have a case either but you really need to prove that he changed them under duress or while mentally incapacitated. I really wish it was as easy as them hearing the story of what happened but you have to look at it from their point of view... do you know how many people come up with stories of insanity to contest insurance proceeds? Too many for them to honor such things at word.

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