important life insurance question

by bjamm1972 » Thu Jul 16, 2009 07:57 pm

When someone dies and and has a life insurance policy,but unfortunatly there is no named beneficiary, where does the money go? Or who does the money go to? Would the surviving spouse get it, would the sole surviving only child get it, who is a minor(child does not belong to surviving spouse)Or would the money go into something to be divided between the 2? This is happening in Illinois. Any response is greatly appreciated, sooner the better. Thank You

Total Comments: 22

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 01:54 pm Post Subject: insurance

What if he had ANOTHER bank account/checkbook JUST for his business? If 'you' knew if one did exist and where to find it, I guess you would have 'success.' (Sorry to hear about your father). I DO know there is a way to find out if he did,..but, I'm sorry, I just don't know WHERE to ask to find out. There's been people on this Forum who want to find out about policies for family members.....ALOT of the Experts, on this Forum, can tell ya where to look.

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