I have been trying to find the life insurance policy that my

by rmshoaf » Fri Jun 05, 2009 03:24 pm

I'm trying to find the life insurance policy that my father had at the time of his death in 1996. His name was
Kenneth L. Gregg. He had a policy for his daughters, that disappeared at the time of his death. And I do believe that foul play was at hand. I need to find the proof that the policy existed. Can you help me?

Total Comments: 4

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 03:26 pm Post Subject: Life insurance Policy

Please help me find my fathers policy. His name was
Kenneth L. Gregg, and he died on Jan. 6, 1996

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 05:06 am Post Subject:

Hey Rmshoaf, have you tried with the MIB? They contain the data of the applicants of life insurance as inquiries were made by the insurance companies for the applicants' medical record. They would charge certain fee against the information but you may find the name of the company that had issued your father the policy.

But please tell me that since almost 13 years have passed after your father's death why no inquiries were made in all these time to locate the policy?


Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 05:08 am Post Subject:

And I do believe that foul play was at hand. I need to find the proof that the policy existed. Can you help me?

Do you believe that someone of the family might have fraudulently encashed that policy?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 07:23 pm Post Subject: I have some ideas

Hi I am new here. But I tracked down my fathers policy. Think of everything you can about your father. Was he a veteran? Try veterans affairs. Call and just ask. Have his ss # and birthdate ready.
I also called AARP, and they looked it up. I tried a few of the large insurance companies, and also you could call and try at his last places of employment. All you can get for an answer is no. thats how i did it. Think think... think back.

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