Can my 86 year old mother have life insurance?

by pettewayg » Sun Jun 07, 2009 04:12 pm

I need to get a policy for my 86 year old mother for reasonable premium.

Total Comments: 144

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:22 am Post Subject:

I'm slightly confused why anyone buying a policy of that caliber and paying that amount of money for it, wouldn't go the extra step to hire someone outside the "circle" to due diligence the entire sale and made sure they are aware of dollar they were expected to pay.

In California there are licensed Life and Disability Insurance Analysts who will do this for a fee negotiated in advance. In other states they are sometimes called "consultants."

They should be able to do such an analysis in a couple of days, I know I can. Plenty of time within the 10-day free look period to have it done and cancel if necessary. Most people don't know about this availability.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:57 pm Post Subject: insurance

I know of two companies that issue to up to 90, but are you more interested in final expense policy like someone else mentioned? What is her need for the life insurance?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 07:58 am Post Subject:

Well there is some companies who provide No medical exam life insurance to old peoples, well I have already said this on other thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 08:15 pm Post Subject: life insurance for my mom how is 89 years old


My mom is presently a resident in a nursing home. I am her son and primary over see her/primary care giver. I would like to obtain a whole life insurance policy for her. She has mid stage dementia, hypertension and suffers with occasional arthritis.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:15 pm Post Subject:

Not going to happen other than possibly a "final expense" policy of up to $25,000. Just Google "guaranteed issue final expense insurance" and see what you can find. Choose a company whose name you recognize.

The problem you face is that the insured, your mother, needs to be able to sign an application for life insurance and understand what she is signing. With dementia, I don't think that's realistic.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 04:11 pm Post Subject: Life insurance

I was told that Illinois state law I could not get insurance on my 86 year old mother, cut off age was 81

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 02:29 pm Post Subject: My Father is spending out of control

How does one go about either getting life insurance for an 86 year old man or taking control of his finances so there is something left for later arrangements? I am about to lose my job due to his care and have absolutely no savings due to the amount of work lost caring for him.[/quote]

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 01:46 am Post Subject: 10,000 life insurance

5'5 146 lbs in good health

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Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 01:33 pm Post Subject: создание сайтов в новосибирске

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ч. информацию об услугах транспортных компаний для доставки в удаленные регионы. Функциональные составляющие: заявки на отбор оснащения и расплата стоимости; функционал сопоставления продвижение сайта 2018 . Если цену зависит 36 от заказа( расстояния, массы, габаритов и пр.), расплата итоговой суммы или вероятность уточнить ее у онлайн-консультанта помогут пользователю скорее взять заключение о заказе и избавят от необходимости розыска вариантов с наиболее понятным и обычным прайсом. В разделе о методах оплаты обязаны быть представлены разные варианты, таккак ежели гость не отыщет комфортного для себя решения, соперники получат покупателя с уже сформированной потребностью.

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