verbal contract

by Guest » Thu Sep 10, 2015 03:53 am

the fire restoration company told us from the start we would only be responsible for deductible, we specifically asked that question before singing contract we were again reassured the deductible would be the only thing out of pocket. After the job was finished deductible paid they said there was a mistake because of the type of insurance we have we owe them 4,000.00 more dollars. I say we have a verbal contract over the 500,00 out of pocket should I take this to court?

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 01:03 pm Post Subject:

What does the _written_ contract state that you signed? That trumps any verbal agreement.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 09:27 pm Post Subject:

Unfortunately we see this all too often. In Florida this has become a huge problem as these restoration companies often utilize high pressure sales tactics on people that have suffered a loss and are most likely not in the best state of mind. I have been present during these sales pitches and have seen exactly what you are speaking of. They will tell you one thing but the contract says another, I wonder if the salesman actually knows what it says.
Of course, if you are interested in potentially litigating against the contractor the best person to answer those questions would be an attorney.
Good luck and I hope some others read this post and think twice before signing one of these contracts.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 04:26 am Post Subject:

Unfortunately, there isn't anything that you can prove in the court on the basis of verbal contract. Go through your written agreement and check the details mentioned therein.

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