being sued

by Guest » Sat Mar 19, 2011 06:57 pm

I injured a motorcycle rider back in july 2009 and was 100% at fault for fail to yield right of way and driving on expired license. The guy riding the motorcycle had serious injuries broken wrist, contusions, scars and back injuries, yesterday i got a letter saying i am being sued because my insurance company GIECO did not give up my 25000 dollar policy limit. What should i do next get my own attorney or what?

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 07:51 pm Post Subject:

You should have been serve a legal Complaint first. Perhaps this is what you got in the mail. If so, you need to immediately get that Complaint to GEICO so that they can assign you legal counsel and file an Answer. GEICO will hire an attorney that will handle your case and defend you.

My recommendation would be to also send a Certified letter to GEICO and request that they offer your $25,000 policy limits in order to settle the case. This way, if they don't and there is a verdict in excess of your limits, you may have a Bad Faith case against GEICO.

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