D&O Insurance

by Guest » Sat Jan 07, 2012 03:22 pm

I was informed in writing (and also asked for consent) that my company wants to insure me under a D&O (Directors and Officers) Liability Insurance. Are there any adverse personal or professional ramifications if I agree to be covered under this policy?

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 04:40 pm Post Subject:

D&O insurance, on the contrary, is designed and purchased by an organization to save its directors and officers from adverse professional circumstances. It covers the liabilities of the company as well as the personal liabilities of the company’s directorial personnel. It covers damages and the legal costs in case the company suffers a loss or faces a civil or criminal law suite.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 06:20 am Post Subject:

More than 50% of all D&O suits stem from Employment Practices Liability (EPL) cases, which should absolutely be included within the liability package and part of the D&O package.

BTW- it's criminal lawSUIT... not SUITE. Just sayin...

InsTeacher 8)

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