Get Cash For your Future Structured Settlement Payments

by johnmechalson » Tue Aug 21, 2012 09:22 am

Are you currently receiving a structured settlement payment? Are you grateful for your current payments, but wish there was something you could do to receive a bit more cash to help you pay for bills, family needs, or a down payment on a large purchase? We can assist you in finding the best deal available when it comes to selling a structured settlement payment.

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 05:39 pm Post Subject:

To those tempted to sell their structured settlement plan . . . although you may find yourself with more cash in hand at the time of your settlement sale, you will end up with less in the long run. Be sure you do the math . . . because in this case, a bird in the hand is NOT worth two in the bush.

The "best deal" described above will still benefit the purchaser of your settlement more than it will you -- otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.

If your settlement was part of a court-ordered judgment, be aware that the court must approve any alteration of that plan. You may be able to obtain an alteration simply by working with the insurance company that is currently paying you, at little or no cost to you, and with a simple paperwork approval from the court.

Don't waste your money or give up your settlement unnecessarily. Before you make a final decision, you should turn to a licensed Analyst (Counselor or Advisor or Consultant in some states) and pay a small fee for an unbiased assessment of your situation and an analysis of the proposals from those who would otherwise want to separate you from your settlement on a permanent basis.

Once you make a decision to leave your settlement, there are no do-overs. And once you realize you made a mistake, even after expensive litigation, you may not be able to undo the damage.

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