What is s.i.u?

by Redsoxsfan » Mon Jun 16, 2008 08:37 pm

What is insurance siu? I want to get a job as one? Do you need a special degree? What do they do? Do they look over all claims or just certain ones? When do they start to investigating? how much they make?

Total Comments: 6

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 09:02 pm Post Subject:

Special Investigations Unit. Companies usually look for ex-police officers or ex-MP's for this line of work. They usually look into matters of fraud.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 09:08 pm Post Subject:

What is insurance siu? I want to get a job as one? Do you need a special degree? What do they do? Do they look over all claims or just certain ones? When do they start to investigating? how much they make?

I'm sorry I thought that was funny, what is it? i want it! ha ha...I loved SIU work, did it for a couple of years, (part time really)...t is correct they also (at the company I work for) hire alot of ex- or retired FBI...very interesting (and some times boring) work....coming in off the streets (not promoting from within) will be tough unless you have a criminal justice or some such degree, and more importantly ALOT of experience..

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:40 pm Post Subject:

Lori and tscope thank you for your answers but could you answer the other questions as well too please.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:59 am Post Subject:

but could you answer the other questions as well too please.

Ok sorry..

What do they do?

The investigate 'fraud' type claims for the most part....

Do they look over all claims or just certain ones?

No, just certain ones...typically if an adjuster gets a claim that has a lot of red flags and the insured will not tell the truth (if it's clearly fraud) then the claim will be referred to SIU, then they will investigate the claim from there on....

When do they start to investigating?

When a claim has been referred to that dept by an adjuster or supervisor...

how much they make?

I don't know, I imagine it has a lot to do with experience etc...if you were able to get a job in SIU without any experience, it wouldn't pay any more than an adjuster...but some SIU folks, like retired FBI etc...probably knock down 55k-75k some where in that area.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 03:13 pm Post Subject:

Thank you Lori for answering the questions. Very great site by the way. Why didnt I find this great site sooner.:-)

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 08:21 pm Post Subject:

Very great site by the way. Why didnt I find this great site sooner.

Well, I don't know, but glad you have now! Welcome to the community Redsox! :)

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