Question on domain value

by Jeff213 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 09:09 pm

Hi, I work with a small marketing firm up here in Canada and we're considering purchasing the domain from

The trick is the price - it's going for about $7000 and in turn, we're trying to get opinions from people in the industry on the actual value of this domain. This would be for a canadian health insurance provider - they're looking to change their brand altogether and move towards a concept that's more familiar to a younger generation: Just like more and more people nowadays have places online for their email, their photos, their facebook profile, etc...

We feel that could work as a core branding message, but we figured it wouldn't hurt to get a few more opinions. What does everyone think. Good idea? Bad idea?



PS - I'm happy to have found this forum, it looks like something I'll be checking out regularly.

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 09:55 am Post Subject:

Jeff, I'm glad you found us too...I have zero idea as to value...(I'm not computer savy at all! :shock: )....but what would the 'perils' be?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 05:49 am Post Subject:

I too am happy to have you amongst us, but in total dark how an insurance community can can help in deciding the value of a domain. :shock:

With my limited understanding about internet business I feel that the domain value depends upon the availability and demand for the domain name. Hence, you're trying to get hold of a very competitive domain name, you're likely to pay more for that.

Also, different domain providers charge differently. Hence, shopping around won't be a bad idea either.

Hope I was helpful :)


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 08:25 am Post Subject: It depends

ya is true.

check out this site:

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