Is State farm insurance cover all insurance

by ervenk » Sat Mar 21, 2009 05:53 am
Posts: 1
Joined: 08 Mar 2009

i'm new to state farm insurance.

is it possible to take fire insurance in state farm insurance .

what are all the steps i need to follow

pls explain?

(links removed by lori)

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:18 am Post Subject:

i'm new to state farm insurance.

No you're not...You appear to be attempting to spam this board with your debt relief links which i have deleted...

is it possible to take fire insurance in state farm insurance .

If you were 'new' with state farm you would likely know this... :roll: and I seriously doubt state farm even does business in the country you are in..

what are all the steps i need to follow

Stop spamming this board...if you post one more 'debt relief' post I will request you be banned from this site.

pls explain?

That's what I'm doing and the only reason I'm posting to this thread (and then locking it) is so that you will get an email and read (hopefully) this response...If you want to be a member of this community you need to read the TOU, and adhere to them...if you don't want to comply then kindly move along...again..any more spam and you will be banned from this site...feel free to send me a 'pm' (private message) if you have any questions....

p.s. if you look at the very top of the page you will see there is also a site 'debt forum' however they won't tolerate spamming either...

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