Vehicle Warranties

by sdchargersfan » Sun Aug 16, 2009 02:30 pm

(I don't know if I put this under the correct thread or not..if I didn't, I apologize.) I've been getting alot of phone calls from Companies stating they can give me an 'Extended Warranty" on my vehicle. A few of them are 'Fidelis' ( I think that's the spelling of it) and 'Bill Repair'. I never HAD a Warranty on the car I have now....used car ('as is' type of thing). Anyway....I've called a few back. They have the same eact type of 'coverage', etc. question is are these 'warranty Co's' legit> Can anyone steer me in the 'right direction' where to possible get a good, legit Warranty? Thanks.

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 02:35 pm Post Subject:

Did the car lot you bought your vehicle from not offer an extended warranty? You might call them and see if they do recommend any certain company. There are many, and of course some good and bad ones. I don't know one from the other honestly. Another thought is to call your local new pontiac dealership and ask them as well.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 02:41 pm Post Subject: insurance

Hi, LORI...........long time, no chat with!!LOL If they DID say something about it, I suppose I didn't 'catch' it. Yea...good idea. Thanks.

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