Can an insurance co. back up and collect preminums when a po

by Margaret S » Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:06 pm

I am insured with a group policy at work. I work for a food service on a college campus. We have summer layoffs..last summer my insurance policy was cancelled at the end of May(end of spring semester) and not picked back up until Aug. begenning of fall semester. Now the provider ( UHC) is taking those preminums from my payheck ( Dec.) even though I had no coverage for those months. Is this legal?
Thank You
MS Lawson

Total Comments: 4

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:57 pm Post Subject:

Are you sure first of all there was no coverage during that time, and secondly it isn't uncommon for a carrier to require two monts be paid when a policy is issued are you sure that isn't the case here?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 01:25 pm Post Subject: Insurance

I have had insurance with this company for several years now. There was no coverage from May 31 through July 31. I received a Cobra package dated July 1 stating that my insurace had been canceled May 31. When I started trying to find out what was going on I was told that I could not be re-instated until Aug. 1st. Now several months later they are taking those preminums for June and July out of my paycheck. This pay period they took 2 plus this premium ..making 3 insurance premiums from 1 pyaperiod.
Thank you MSL

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:56 pm Post Subject:

Wow that really sucks! Call them immediately and explain this and insist that they do a transfer of funds to your checking or savings account...that's alot of anyone to get hit with all at once, especially when you didn't know it was might start with your HR dept and they should be able to help you find out who to contact to get this fixed...and no of course they cannot do this, i'm sure it's some sort of mix up

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 02:14 pm Post Subject:

it does sound erratic.may i know the company name from you have got this pathetic experience. :shock:

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