Need your expert assistance--Adjuster

by JonathanSMclean » Thu May 28, 2009 07:00 pm

my name is Jonathan and I am 18 years old. I want to get in the door of become a insurance adjuster. i dont really know the correct schooling and requirements needed to become a homeowners insurance adjuster. if somebody could please help me out in my goal to become a part of the family that will be great! my essential plan is to get my fire, water, smoke, mold, and estimating certifications done. Then maybe take a Insurance class at a local community collage. let me know what i can do to better educate myself and improve my chances in getting a job. my past expierence include, 2 years with ServiceMaster Clean, working with insurance companies for fire and water damage restoration. So i know the basic skills needed for restoring peace of mind to our customers. let me know the fastest way in getting all my schooling done. your help is greatly appriciated!
Jonathan Baias

Total Comments: 21

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:30 am Post Subject:

I already have a couple of those.... That can't be good.

Those won't affect you getting hired, as say in a CSR postion, or clerk work your way up (since you don't have a degree) those positions don't drive company the time you've been with a company long enough to be promoted you'll have that driving record all cleaned up...won't you son? :wink:

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