I would like to know on commercial property what is the difference between a Speacial forms policy and a Deluxe policy?
Total Comments: 1
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:20 pm Post Subject:
Deluxe covers damage from explosion, fire, lightning, windstorm, hail, riot, civil commotions, theft, vandalism, falling objects, smoke, and damage from a vehicle or aircraft.
Special covers the same thing except a few. I'm not sure what those few are, though.
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:20 pm Post Subject:
Deluxe covers damage from explosion, fire, lightning, windstorm, hail, riot, civil commotions, theft, vandalism, falling objects, smoke, and damage from a vehicle or aircraft.
Special covers the same thing except a few. I'm not sure what those few are, though.
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