workmen compensation statutory limits

by slpaddock » Fri Sep 26, 2008 06:57 pm

What is the work comp statutory limits, I was injured 25 years ago now I have problems in the same area. spinal injury.

Total Comments: 9

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 09:07 pm Post Subject: work comp statutory limits

First, it depends on the state. But usually as long as a claim has been filed with a payment made, there is no legal limitation that I know of. Of course, I think it might be a little difficult to show that an injury now was related to an injury that occured 25 years ago.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:37 pm Post Subject: What is the statutory limits on Worksmans comp insurance

State is New Hampshire, injury was herniated disk, now I have "Bone Spurs" causing Sciatic pain and scares dure to the operation on that disk.
I signed off on the weekly Comp claim but not on the medical.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:44 pm Post Subject:

You need to contact the WC carrier and discuss.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 02:37 am Post Subject:

If you filed a claim for this issue during the time that you were insured under this policy and the injury has since caused more damage over time and the damages would not have otherwise occurred and you can prove by medical documentation and records that this is all directly related, you may have a case here. In such time consuming and very complicated cases, especially with many years come and gone, an attorney is usually involved for the insured as they are going to do all of the work which includes getting records from all parties involved and checking in loop holes or work comp statutory limits.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 01:12 pm Post Subject: bulging disk in neck

i was injured at work while lifting 5 gallon syrub above my head it slipped and hit my head the doctor said that disk 2 and 4 had bulged..i went through pt and was feeling better...I do home traction and neck exercise..but the pain in the side of my neck and arm is coming back..should I call doctor I have settle or anything and i am still in pain do i have the right to go back to doctor

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 08:52 am Post Subject:

Hi crissy, I'm sorry to hear that you have got hurt at your workplace, but couldn't associate the situation with insurance. Do you have any insurance related query? Please, feel free to ask the community.

Is any sort of compensation due? What do you mean by settling with the doctor? If you still need treatment you shouldn't settle for any claim till you recover completely.


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 02:54 pm Post Subject: shoulder injury

i work for the post office. am a truck driver that do pulling, pushing,and lifting doors up and down for about 25 years. doing this time frame i torn some tenden.went to the doctor for pain and was told over a period of time this damage was done. how can i get or prove that i can be claim for this.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 02:02 am Post Subject: ghpBaCsEoWcZcZUcXTS

That's way the bestest awnser so far!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 03:32 pm Post Subject:

You can take benefits of health insurance as it is your employers responsibility to pay for such injuries.

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