Thinking of Joining NAA. What is the commission plan.

by kjames » Wed Dec 10, 2008 03:33 pm
Posts: 1
Joined: 10 Dec 2008

I am considering joining NAA and can anyone tell me the commission structure for the company. I know it starts at 55% then goes to 65% and then 75%,... and so on based on monthly volume. Thanks

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 09:33 am Post Subject:

Hey James, you can read some information about NAA in the following thread. See, if it helps you in deciding.

Also wait for the experts to drop in...


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 09:48 am Post Subject:

I'd suggest that you check out with the insurance department about the background of the company you have decided to work with. NAA have both good and bad reputation. Hence, it'd be hard to comment whether it'd work well for you or not. As far I know NAA begins with very low commission, whereas, you may receive around 100% commission on the same sales from an independent agency. Now, if you're okay with it, you can start off with NAA. Also, in NAA you may have to work on a highly competitive atmosphere and may have to work on 30 around leads in a week.

Think about all the aspects and make a well informed decision.

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