Property - slip and fall

by Guest » Wed Oct 29, 2008 06:01 am

Hi, someone has slipped and fallen upon my property. Do I have any responsibility being the property owner?

Total Comments: 19

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 06:06 am Post Subject:

You sh'd not waste any time to let your carrier know of what has happened. I'm sure you'd need to go through your policy papers. Many of the insurers today have made it mandatory for their consumers to inform them of any such mishap within a short period of time. Crossbreed

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 09:24 am Post Subject:

Hi, someone has slipped and fallen upon my property. Do I have any responsibility being the property owner?

Maybe, maybe likely have medpay which required no negligence at all on your part and pays for medical bills to responsiblity depends on why they fell, why did they fall?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:58 am Post Subject:


You are liable for the injuries that the individual has suffered. You should inform the insurer carrier almost as immediately as the incident happens. However, if the person who got injured was careless in his manner, make sure that you get the name and contact detail of the witnesses to support your view.


Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:04 am Post Subject:

Well, someone may suggest that it'd be wise in constant touch with the injured guest to know his/her progress with the injuries and also to maintain a track of their version of the incident, however, its not always the suggested course of action. it may establish the idea that you're accepting the liability of the accident and can influence the witnesses and the insurance company against you.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:07 am Post Subject:

If you have any reason to believe that the person who fell upon your property was not responsible enough and could have avoided his plight, then you might as well seek the identity of witnesses. It would be natural for you to maintain records, take photos of your own or any other object that might prove your detachment from the incident.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:25 am Post Subject:

Hi, it is advisable that you stay in touch with the injured. This would give them lesser chance to alter their statements as well as tamper the evidences. The initial statements are probably the best in terms of their accuracy. You'd need to be absolutely careful, since it is natural for most of us to alter the verbiage as per the suggestions of our attorneys or our near n dear ones. Purpleheaded08

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:33 am Post Subject:

You are liable for the injuries that the individual has suffered


How could any of you know that from the OP? all it says is someone slipped and fell, could've been a clutz, (I am)...we don't know that the OP has ANY liablity AT ALL...for this until we know WHY the person fell...just because someone falls on your property does NOT make you automatically negligent, liable or responsible for their injury or fall..

.it may establish the idea that you're accepting the liability of the accident and can influence the witnesses and the insurance company against you.

huh? WHAT?

You'd need to be absolutely careful, since it is natural for most of us to alter the verbiage as per the suggestions of our attorneys or our near n dear ones

again, WHAT?

Call your homeowners company and certainly let them know this has happened, so they can start the investigation immediately...

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:57 am Post Subject:

See, if the cause of this accident is somewhere in your property, then you'd certainly be responsible for it to some extent. Check if the cause is due to a permanent fault in your property. If it is so, then you'd be served with a notice depicting you to be an object posing immense thread. So, till the point of time the cause gets eradicated, you'd be more n more responsible for each such incident that occurs in your property. Mermaid-attitude

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 01:53 pm Post Subject:

See, if the cause of this accident is somewhere in your property, then you'd certainly be responsible for it to some extent.

I'm sorry once again (with feeling this time) NO THEY ARE NOT...If I come to your house, and trip and fall for no particular reason, because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing how on earth are you at fault or responsible for that in any extent?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 02:19 pm Post Subject:

I will echo Lori on this. There isn't enough information.

Just because someone slips and falls on my property - it DOES NOT mean I am automatically liable.

If someone is drunk, walking down the sidewalk, he decides to walk 3 steps up my driveway and then trips and falls over his two drunken feet, are you telling me I am reponsible for that?

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