by Agent007 » Mon May 18, 2009 05:13 pm
My name is Ryan and I am an insurance broker in the State of Califronia. One thing that bothers me is that people go around bashing brokers because we charge fees. First off, yes I do charge broker fees, and they are not that much. In comparison if you ar ewith a company like AAA, State Farm, Allstate, don't pay a broker fee but I KNOW you will pay more. Lets say you pay $2000 per year for full coverage with one of those companies. I find you a rate with one of the 120 different companies I go through and it is an A+ rated company such as Travelers of Infinity Insurance for $1000 for the year. YOU ARE SAVING MONEY EVEN IF I CHARGE YOU A $150 broker fee. Would you rather pay $2000 or $1150? HMmmm.....if you are in California and need quote let me know becase I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY.
My name is Ryan and I am an insurance broker in the State of Califronia. One thing that bothers me is that people go around bashing brokers because we charge fees. First off, yes I do charge broker fees, and they are not that much. In comparison if you ar ewith a company like AAA, State Farm, Allstate, don't pay a broker fee but I KNOW you will pay more. Lets say you pay $2000 per year for full coverage with one of those companies. I find you a rate with one of the 120 different companies I go through and it is an A+ rated company such as Travelers of Infinity Insurance for $1000 for the year. YOU ARE SAVING MONEY EVEN IF I CHARGE YOU A $150 broker fee. Would you rather pay $2000 or $1150? HMmmm.....if you are in California and need quote let me know becase I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 05:42 pm Post Subject:
Hi Ryan,
This is not everybody's opinion and you shouldn't get so mad at things you can't control. There is just a small group of people who think like that. You can't please everyone and the quicker you learn this the better off you will be and the more customers you will have. Continue to help customers save money and help them with their questions and they will be glad to pay your fees.
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 05:11 am Post Subject:
Continue to help customers save money and help them with their questions and they will be glad to pay your fees.
I'm of the same opinion, Agent. Justong is right; you can't please everyone. Just continue doing the right thing and you would enjoy the success as well.
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 05:20 am Post Subject:
HMmmm.....if you are in California and need quote let me know becase I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY.
Hope you also ensure better services for your clients as well.
Often people settle for the cheapest rates without evaluating the benefits they would get against the price. And, when it dawn upon them(especially after a claim denial); its already too late. Maybe that's one reason for them to bash the broker who had sold them the policy without making it clear to them what they are buying.
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:27 am Post Subject:
The whole 'broker' thing must be state specific, in my state and the bordering states, there is no broker fee....there are very very large indendent agencys of course that sell for a multitude of companys but no broker fees.
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 04:33 pm Post Subject: yes
california is one of the few state that do charge broker fee's and the comercials here bash us because we do so. I do treat the clients VERY well and help them out anyway I can.
unlike most places you go you ask for a quote and they can give you only their companies quote...I give you a 120 different quotes includeing the major companies that are not brokered because they HAVE to publish their rates to us. SO I ALWAYS save them a large sum of money and if I can not I tell them what companiy they should go to or that they should stay where they are at.
I always explain the company, show them the REAL AM BEST rating, and I even created a form that shows all the coverages and breakdown of the payments for them to review and sign.
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