Online etiquette is getting worse every day

by Quenlin » Sat Jan 19, 2008 09:07 am
Posts: 192
Joined: 13 Dec 2007

Today, I stopped by BYOND for a while to play REO for a bit, and all I got was a huge mouthful of abuse from a bunch of noobs who have a reputation for this kind of thing.

I grab 3 of the 235769bajillion grenades, and one of them gives me Hell for ammo hogging, and claimed I snatched up all the NATO ammo. Well excuse me cause I have a 300 round clip, and there's millions of NATO, get them yourself.

Same game, they give me more Hell for screwing with their small fort, which was leaving the entire front of the gaming area exposed to mass zombie-attack, and the back door was being smashed in because some idiot didn't close the shutters.

So I close the shutters and one guy gives Hell over the server because he was locked out and zombies were closing in, and he got eaten alive before I could reopen it because some people like to take the best defense we have and turn it into a pillow fort, which is getting torn up by more zombies by the way.

So, needless to say, we get slaughtered and they claim it's my fault because I hogged the ammo and grenades, even though there were 235769bajillion in the start area and I took 3, and every one of them were using shotguns which got a nasty nerf in the latest update.

So yeah, they banned me from the server despite, or because of, my score of 322 kills, which is a fairly impressive number, because I hog ammo, screw with the fort, locked people outside and ruined everything.

One look at the kill ranks told me that they barely broke 150 kills each.

I remember when games were supposed to be fun, this is why I stay at imageboards.

Total Comments: 15

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:36 am Post Subject:

Ok Quenlin,

You go where? I have not a clue what this is, I guess I am showing my age a bit, I just come on the forums, check a little email and do a little research on google if I need to find something.

I have noticed a little sarcasm on line with others, not so much here as with the other forums though.

It is all about respecting each other any where in life.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 02:36 pm Post Subject:

Yeah, I'm happy if I can play moolah or tetris once in awhile, i have no idea what all the games are about with the exception of this...i've never heard (or read on forums) from gamers that weren't fighting with each other on's crazy! I got enough to be mad about in my real world! ha ha

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 07:23 pm Post Subject:

If I am playing a game on the computer, it would be boring old card games, lol, there is nobody else there playing with me, just me and my computer. It came installed on the computer, LOL, I am too cheap to buy them and then I probably would not know what to do any way.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 01:01 am Post Subject:

xD.. have no clue how I got here but.. yah.. REO is goin to heel these days... =\ best is to stay away from noobish servers like that haha... but that was pretty funny to read though... =P

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 01:31 am Post Subject:

Holy crud, it's DE.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:14 am Post Subject:

Holy crud, it's DE.

I don't like the sound of that! :shock:

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:55 pm Post Subject:

Actually, he's a guy I have a good amount of respect for. Well, unless he nerfs things. *shakes fist for nerfing the Immunity on Barricades trick*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 09:48 am Post Subject:

Ok wth is 'nerfing'?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 08:12 pm Post Subject:


In computer gaming, a nerf is removing something from game after release to public servers. The term originated as a reference to the NERF brand of child toys, which are made to minimize possible damage. In the same way, "to nerf" describes the action of making something less harmful

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 04:00 am Post Subject:

Basically, taking something powerful and rendering it completely useless.

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