Insurance or service to guarantee freelancer payment

by process.reserve » Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:40 am

I am starting an outsourcing company. I had a terrible experience in the past, where the freelancers completed the job and client didn't pay. I had a very hard time paying them, I went into red numbers and took a long time. My business is online and I hire people all around the world. Is there an insurance or some kind of service that allows me to pay my freelancers whether the client pays on time, or not, or at all, without losing everything.I heard somewhere that there was.I'd appreciate your help.

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 09:08 am Post Subject:

I think the risk that you've mentioned will fall under your business risk. You should work with a couple of insurance professionals to determine the true nature and worth of risks associated with your kinda business. If you fail to connect to any insurance professional,you may visit your state insurance office or the town hall in your locality. Also remember to keep us updated in this regard. Pinkfloydfan

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 06:14 pm Post Subject:

I will look into it. This has been a major fall and we almost lost everything. Plus one cannot risk having bad reputation.


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