car damaged by shopping cart, caused by wind

by Guest » Fri Oct 09, 2009 02:39 am

I had parked my car in the parking lot of a supermarket. When I came out of the supermarket I actually saw that two shopping carts came out of the corral because of a strong wind. One of these shopping carts hit my car and caused damage.

I went right back into the supermarket and reported the damaged. I was told that they not gonna pay for the damage because it happens all the time.

I think especially if it happens all the time they should take care of the problem. It was extremely windy the whole day and it happend in the afternoon.

Does the supermarket have to pay my damage or is it just bad luck for me?

Total Comments: 11

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 07:43 pm Post Subject:

Thanks for dredging up a post from five years ago. You can tell there was a lot of interest in it.

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