quickest way to hit the ground running and producing sales?A

by dforrest » Mon Nov 02, 2009 03:21 pm

I am new in the industry. I passed my state of PA Life/Health exam and have been hired as a producer for an Independant Agency 4 weeks ago. I've been in sales for 20 years (everything from retail sales to reseller channel management) and I've owned my own small biz the past 5 years. I'm curious what is the quickest way to hit the ground running and start producing sales?

The agency I'm at has many existing clients with auto and home who are eligible for addtnl discounts if they buy Life as well. Some get discounts which would pay for 100K of free 10yr term. I'm thinking of compiling a list of these warm prospects and just start pounding the phones to book appts. Does this sound like the best way to start? If so, I have an idea on my lead in conversation, but I was curious ...

How would you approach these clients?

Any other ways for prospecting with somewhat quick or solid results?



Total Comments: 1

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 07:36 am Post Subject:

I'm curious what is the quickest way to hit the ground running and start producing sales?

It's not always about 'qualifying' for a program. Before you reach out to people, you'd need to be absolutely sure of your offers against the market demands.

Again, you should be well aware of the state insurance laws for the specific areas where you'd be operating. Success is more about satisfying all of these factors.

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