2 Hail claims

by Guest » Fri Apr 02, 2010 03:02 pm

IF an insured had a hail storm 4 years ago and collected RCV funds but did not do repairs. Then recently just got hit with another hailstorm but now with a new company can they claim again since it is a new storm and the company they are with now has not paid out on any hail. There is damage twice.

Total Comments: 5

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 05:40 pm Post Subject:

If you collected money from the first carrier, but did not have repairs done-that's on claim with that carrier. You can make a claim with the new carrier, but there is history of a hail claim that was already paid. If the new carriers adjuster is provided the information, the new claim may be paid, but not to the full amount to have both damages paid. It's nearly impossible to hand pick new hail damage from old hail damage.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:06 pm Post Subject:

Almost every single carrier is going to run a "PLUS" (Property Loss Underwriting System) check for prior losses with other carriers. PLUS is part of a company called "ChoicePoint." They also hold loss data for automobile insurance losses called "CLUE" (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange). These are databases that hold information on losses and a number of other things that insurers use when underwriting their clients.

So...chances are that the "new" carrier will check to see if there's any reports of prior damage from hail. If in fact they can differentiate the damage from the first to latest loss, there's a good chance that you aren't going to be getting much from the second loss, if anything.

If the carrier suspects that you are trying to collect twice for the same damage, that might also cause an issue. There's a lot more to this than what I've written, maybe some of the other experts will chime in.

Curious- why didn't you get the damage repaired in the first place?

InsTeacher 8)

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:43 am Post Subject: hail damage

If all 4 sides of house have damage noted by insurance co but only willing to pay for 2 sides ... can I fill another claim for the other 2 sides paying deductible ?
Will this raise my rates
Will I get cancelled....

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:07 pm Post Subject: hail damage

I would be filing a second claim in the same week for the same hail damage that the carrier has inspected and noted all 4 sides damaged... just heard insurance will pay for 2 sides only so can I file again for the other two sides paying my deduct ...

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:27 pm Post Subject:

If all 4 sides of house have damage noted by insurance co but only willing to pay for 2 sides ... can I fill another claim for the other 2 sides paying deductible ?

No... as it's still all part of one loss. The _real_ question is why thee insurance is only paying for 2 sides when all 4 were damaged. I'm betting they disagree and are stating only 2 sides were damaged. As such, no matter how many times you" tell" (file a claim) then the other 2 sides need to be paid... they won't do it.

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