Exactly who and what does PIP cover in WA state?

by tblake5510 » Sat May 29, 2010 04:04 pm

I need to know if it covers the insured driver in the case of an accident and any passengers. Or if it covers the insured driver and any involved household members. Or if it covers passengers and driver in the other car or cars if applicable.

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 11:08 am Post Subject: PIP

Without knowing WA State laws- PIP generally covers medical payments for the insured driver and passengers up to a stated amount- in MA it's $8,000 total- then Med Pay kicks in for amounts over that- BI covers medical payments for the other driver and passengers in his car; this is why you should make sure you have higher limits and not just the minimum coverage. Also Collision covers damage to your vehicle and property damage covers damage to property or vehicles of others including things like buildings, utility poles, guardrails, fences, mailboxes, landscaping etc. Ask your agent to explain your coverage to you. If it is very minimal you should increase it- eg. if you are involved in a three car accident- you could possibly have damages to two other vehicles up to $20,000 each or more and if there are three injured people in each car that could easily total $5000-$10,000 for each injured person- Minimum coverage may not cover all of this...

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