Req Ins Quote - Found several auto claims

by » Sat Jul 10, 2010 02:34 am

from my underage daughter (17), which is totally not possible. One is even a collision claim for $31, 874. I've never even owned a vehicle worth that much. She is going to be 18 in 2 weeks and Im afraid theres a identity theft problem here which I'm going to pursue but I have no idea how to go about finding out more about these insurance claims in her name and the person I talked to said there wasnt any more information to give me.

Total Comments: 7

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:27 am Post Subject:

Well, there are certain things that make it seem a bit strange. Did these claims surface one after the other over a period of time? Otherwise, what have you been doing ever since the first one occurred? Who did you consult with? What do the police reports depict? I'm also curious to know the excuses thrown by your daughter!

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 01:39 pm Post Subject:

These arose through a simple request for an insurance quote from another company as I was trying to obtain boat insurance on an old fishing boat I bought that our insurance company wont cover since its over 30 years old.

Three of the claims fall within a few weeks of each other from earlier this year 3/15 comprehensive for $1568, 3/25 comprehensive for $695 and 4/3 collision for $1721. My daughter is a boarding student and doesnt even have access to her vehicles during this time.

There are also claims for 10/23/09 for $225 towing and 10/26/07 for collision for $31874 which isnt possible because my daughter didnt get a drivers license until november of 2007.

I just found out about these yesterday via a phone call from the guy I was working with on a quote. I dont even know what company these claims were filed with and i dont know where to start to find that out or where to start investigating this to make sure my daughter's information has not been stolen. Just for the record, I do not suspect foul play on my daughter's part even though I do plan on discussing it with her in detail. I do, however, suspect my exhusband could be involved in some way.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 05:08 am Post Subject:

If the information is coming from some kind of consumer reporting agency or system, then access to the information is probably governed under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. If so, you have the right to be told where the "derogatory" information came from, to obtain a copy of it, and if you find errors, the right to dispute them. The reporting agency must "investigate" and report its findings to you within a limited amount of time.

If they determine that the information was placed in your file improperly, it must be removed, and notice must be sent to anyone they provided the incorrect information to. If they determine the information is accurate, you still have the right to attach a brief statement disputing the information that will be shown to others who receive your report in the future.

Certain information may be coming from DMV records rather than a consumer reporting agency, and if that's true, your daughter has the right to obtain a copy of her DMV report (usually for a fee). If she finds inaccurate information there, then there will be a similar but different mechanism to dispute it, since it would be governed under state law rather than federal law.

On the other hand, this could be an example of IDENTITY THEFT which will be a pain in the A** to correct. Not impossible, but very time and labor intensive. Some auto and homeowner's policies actually include coverage for such things.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 09:15 am Post Subject:

Well, there are certain things that make it seem a bit strange. Did these claims surface one after the other over a period of time? Otherwise, what have you been doing ever since the first one occurred? Who did you consult with? What do the police reports depict? I'm also curious to know the excuses thrown by your daughter!
Ben 10 Games

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 02:57 pm Post Subject:

I'm being told that this information came from a CLUE report that was run (Comprehensive Loss Underwritiing Exchange). Now we're getting somewhere. That's my next stop

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 03:42 pm Post Subject:

I just spoke to a very nice gentleman at Lexis Nexus 866-820-8976 who is mailing me a detailed copy of the report which will show the VIN, insurance co, etc regarding all of these claims.

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