by astyleevents » Tue Dec 07, 2010 09:27 am
What does it mean to have insurance? We know that insurance is to cover risk of some sort. Choose two types of insurance (auto, home, health, disability, or life insurance) and identify one coverage characteristic of each.
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:07 am Post Subject:
okay first off im a memeber at the university of phonix and this was a question that a teacher had asked us to answer. I do belive that its not the brighest idea to ask people who are not studying the same subject and im not calling anyone stupid but the answer would be best found in the text. i only stumbled upon this forum because i was looking for a deffinition not an answer. But at the same time using outside sources would only be wrong if you are using other peoples answers for yourself. It does help you get an idea for the answer but i do belive this person was just trying to get someone else to do the work for them. all of you should stop arguing about such a simple matter and act like grown adults here. if this person wants to take shorcuts and pay for an education that hes not really getting because of his simple minded actions then thats his own fault and i do not encourge any one else to follow in his footsteps.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:04 am Post Subject:
There are many factors that go into how companies provide their best quotes. The auto insurance coverage is based on your specific geographic area as well as many other factors that all go into how pricing works. It is critical for the insurance company to offer low cost auto insurance because they are pinned against top competitors also trying to win your business. As a result you get some of the cheapest car insurance quotes offered anywhere that is specific to your needs. :)
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:07 am Post Subject:
No matter what state you live in provides car insurance quotes easily so our website customers have the opportunity to intelligently compare free quotes in any area. If you are looking for an affordable way to get discounted auto & car insurance you’ll need to know we have done our best to offer a competitive marketplace for consumers to find the best deals online.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:10 am Post Subject:
No matter what state you live in provides car insurance quotes easily so our website customers have the opportunity to intelligently compare free quotes in any area. If you are looking for an affordable way to get discounted auto & car insurance you’ll need to know we have done our best to offer a competitive marketplace for consumers to find the best deals online.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:12 am Post Subject:
Perhaps your insurance policy is due, and you’re curious to what today’s auto insurance rates are in your area. Most online companies can provide accurate auto quotes information. However its smart to check because rates can vary from region to region and area to area. You may pay a higher rate compared to other areas. Be mindful of your budget and what is most comfortable for you and your family. All companies require information so they can define the level of risk, and the rate of your coverage. Your age and gender, marital status, previous road violations, if any, even your credit report history are checked by insurance providers.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:17 am Post Subject:
Perhaps your insurance policy is due, and you’re curious to what today’s auto insurance rates are in your area. Most online companies can provide accurate auto quotes information. However its smart to check because rates can vary from region to region and area to area. You may pay a higher rate compared to other areas. Be mindful of your budget and what is most comfortable for you and your family. All companies require information so they can define the level of risk, and the rate of your coverage. Your age and gender, marital status, previous road violations, if any, even your credit report history are checked by insurance providers.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 02:11 am Post Subject: Supporting fellow uop students exploration for information
Smart people can sometimes be so stupid, intelligence is not the only factor when deciding ones character and right now the character of some smart people is not the most impressionable. I too am a UOP student and online learning does lead to exploration and the web is helpful in exploring. Also lets just be real, youre probably at an ivyleage school because of your parents not your hard work. Look in the mirror today and judge your own reflection, mean people are non factors on this page go piss off!
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:19 am Post Subject:
Online exploration is good and all of us do so. it's better to google search rather than ask a specific question on a forum and then copy the answer down on your homework copy. It's not what the teachers will want I'm sure.
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 04:11 am Post Subject:
I also am a Phoenix, but I do understand those who are unwilling to answer the question. Even though that some may be on here to learn more in addition to what they have already, it could also be in the easy way to get an answer. Which is not all that fair to other students who do not resort to searching other people's thoughts in order to get their answers. So in a way, this is like a critical thinking situation... If you look at it from the Phoenix students' points of view, you could come up with either a bad or a good situation. Also, if you look at it from others' points of view, you should be able to see some of their points. I just really do not think that anyone should be getting upset, from either side. :hug:
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:16 pm Post Subject:
So in a way, this is like a critical thinking situation
My, my, how the world has changed. How lazy students have become. Even University of Phoenix students who pay big bucks for their degrees.
Critical thinking once meant using your own brain to come up with an answer. I guess in today's economy, it means conserving your own brain and using that of someone else.
Also, if you look at it from others' points of view, you should be able to see some of their points.
Sure, I see their points . . . "Why should I have to do any research at all if someone is willing to feed me an answer?"
It doesn't work that way, deary. When I wrote my Master's thesis, I used the work of others, properly credited, as my "literature review". It included law journal articles, articles from the popular media, and court opinions all the way to the US Supreme Court. That's simply the foundational work I learned to do by the time I was in the 3rd grade.
My thesis was an ANALYSIS of a single Supreme Court case (one that was ultimately rejected for hearing by the Court). My analytical work came from my own brain . . . that was CRITICAL THINKING. I looked at argument that others made, and expounded on or attempted to refute them with my own ability to reason.
When your "professor" says, "Tonight's question is: What does it mean to be insured?" he's not asking you to recite what other people tell you they believe being insured means, he's asking you to find out (1) what insurance is, and (2) in light of your own situation, what does being insured mean to YOU?
OK, I can give you and all the other Phoenix students that textbook definition: Insurance is a social device useful for spreading individual risk among a larger group of persons with similar risk. Today, we have insurance companies that offer contracts of insurance that bring those persons together to form a risk pool.
But beyond that? Why should you think that what I believe being insured means to me is the same as what being insured means to you. I am mature, you are immature. Our needs are different. I live on meat, you are still sucking down milk. When you grow up, and want the meat, you will learn that you have to work for it just like your parents and grandparents did. That they shared some of it with you along the way does not make you a meat eater.
EXERCISE YOUR BRAIN -- an organ you may only use to seek out suitable mates on occasion or to instruct your thumbs which buttons on your texting device to press to communicate with others when you should be paying attention to other, more important things, like driving your insured/uninsured vehicle -- and come up with the philosophical answer your professor was trying to get out of you in the first place.
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