I know an owner of an agency who wants me to come to work wi

by jjdbiz » Wed Dec 22, 2010 02:06 am
Posts: 1
Joined: 22 Dec 2010

I am looking to own my own business. I work very hard and believe in 100% customer satisfaction. I network very well and not afraid to think outside the box.

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 07:18 am Post Subject:

Well, I'd like to have some more information from you in this regard to be able to try and assist you. First of all, I'd like to be sure that you're pointing at an insurance business. It would be much better for you to work under a captive unit for a couple of years and then set up your own unit. This way, you'll have the much needed time to develop your own book of business.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 02:11 pm Post Subject: Insurance Opportunity

Dear Roddick,
Thank you for your response. It is an insurance company and is a big name in the industry. The person I am speaking with has a tremendous track record in the industry. He owns his own branch or franchise and explained to me that I would work for him for a period of time with the intent of him assisting me in buying my own agency from the company. I am 55 years old and have been selling title insurance for the past year. I have a great sales background and I am trying to find out if this is a viable option for me at this point in my life. This fellow searched me out.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 02:40 pm Post Subject:

If you have been "searched out", then you might want to consider the opportunity. If the "big name" has a capital F in it, than it might not be a bad way to break into the industry, but you would be limited to its products and services, which is some different than being an independent agent. It's neither positive nor negative, just a fact of agency.

Talk more with your "recruiter" about the opportunity that exists, what is required from you, and what would be required to eventually obtain a book of business. The two "F" companies I'm thinking about do not have more than about a 5-10 year history of truly entrepreneurial agency, and most older agents in their systems have chosen not to become business owners.

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