by Guest » Sun Jan 09, 2011 02:30 am
Hi all,
Need some information. I recently started a job (5 days ago) where I get a company car, or a fleet car if you will. My name isn't listed on the car's insurance, just the company. I got pulled over for a speeding ticket in the next state over and wanted to know if my company will be notified of the ticket? Or if it only goes on my record since I was the driver and gave my license? Do I need to try and contest it? Trying to know if this will be an issue for me. Thanks!
A worried advertising girl.
Need some information. I recently started a job (5 days ago) where I get a company car, or a fleet car if you will. My name isn't listed on the car's insurance, just the company. I got pulled over for a speeding ticket in the next state over and wanted to know if my company will be notified of the ticket? Or if it only goes on my record since I was the driver and gave my license? Do I need to try and contest it? Trying to know if this will be an issue for me. Thanks!
A worried advertising girl.
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 04:24 am Post Subject:
I hate to upset you further but there are high chances that your company will be notified and if something like this happens on a regular basis it might affect their car insurance rates as well.
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 05:59 am Post Subject:
Your company is not notified but they can pull your driving record and will probably see the citation.
5 days into the job and you are speeding in the company car?
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:05 pm Post Subject:
Companies with fleet cars usually have their driver's MVRs pulled at least once per year and sometimes twice per year. They will find the citation. It is best to be up front with them that it happened. Unless you drive a tractor-trailer, most companies are okay with a ticket every once in a while. It usually depends on the insurance company. If the carrier says they can't insure a driver, time to start looking for another job.
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