Searching for quotes

by scryedzxp » Sun Feb 06, 2011 05:13 pm

Situation : looking into renting a car (don't have any auto insurance) but I do have the CDW benefit available through my credit card company. The only thing left is the liability but instead of purchasing the liability from the rental place, I'm looking getting it from the insurance companies (non-owner's insurance).

Should I just contact an independent agent and have him/her find me the best one? I read that it might be a little more expensive to get it from them. Or should I just go to different agents and get my quotes from each of them? Which route would be cheaper?

Also, if I were to just go to the agents and just get quotes, how much does that cost? I'd assume that they'd have to charge me for their service (in other words, how much do quotes cost, if they even cost anything at all?)

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