If you already hold some kind of valid insurance policy from a particular insurer, you can call up the company and ask them about non-owners insurance. This is the best place to start since you are already comfortable in dealing with them. Seeing that you are an existing client, they might even offer you a discount. Talk it out with the agent and calculate how much liability coverage you would need and obtain a quote. If you feel like it, you can look for better quotes or compare quotes on the web. Once you have selected the company you want to buy the policy from, contact them. After you have signed on the contract remember to ask for the policy certificate, the insurance ID card and the receipt for the down payment on the policy. Some insurance companies offer a small discount if you pre-pay the premium for six months or a year.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 02:30 pm Post Subject:
I don't know how you can get non owners insurance, it will cover under rentals insurance.
Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 04:36 pm Post Subject:
If you already hold some kind of valid insurance policy from a particular insurer, you can call up the company and ask them about non-owners insurance. This is the best place to start since you are already comfortable in dealing with them. Seeing that you are an existing client, they might even offer you a discount. Talk it out with the agent and calculate how much liability coverage you would need and obtain a quote. If you feel like it, you can look for better quotes or compare quotes on the web. Once you have selected the company you want to buy the policy from, contact them. After you have signed on the contract remember to ask for the policy certificate, the insurance ID card and the receipt for the down payment on the policy. Some insurance companies offer a small discount if you pre-pay the premium for six months or a year.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 02:30 pm Post Subject:
I don't know how you can get non owners insurance, it will cover under rentals insurance.
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