Your question is not very clear. You can get insurance but it will cost a lot of money. It won't change the nature of the tickets already issues. Also, most likely the court will require that you obtain an SR-22. This means when you stop paying for insurance the insurance company is required to inform the state of this. So don't think you can obtain insurance in order to get your license again and then just stop paying.
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 01:51 pm Post Subject:
Your question is not very clear. You can get insurance but it will cost a lot of money. It won't change the nature of the tickets already issues. Also, most likely the court will require that you obtain an SR-22. This means when you stop paying for insurance the insurance company is required to inform the state of this. So don't think you can obtain insurance in order to get your license again and then just stop paying.
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