FEIN - Federal Employer Identification Number

by Ganesh » Mon Sep 03, 2007 06:44 am
Posts: 2
Joined: 03 Sep 2007

Businesses use the FEIN number to identify themselves for tax reporting, banking and other reasons. Just like Social Security Number is specific to a certain person, the FEIN number is also specific to a certain business.

What is a FEIN number?

FEIN or Federal Employer Identification Number is also known as Federal Tax Identification Number. This 9 digit code is used by businesses in order to classify and identify them as a tax payer, for banking services and other official and legal purposes. Businesses with no employees and sole proprietorship may use the Social Security number for tax reporting. But for companies with employees must have FEIN or Federal Employer Identification Number. For each business owned by the same person, a different FEIN number would be required. It is unique to a business just like Social Security number is unique to an individual.

How to apply for FEIN?

Although an application for FEIN may take weeks to get processed, it is actually very easy to apply for FEIN.

You may collect an SS-4 Form from the office of IRS or the Social Security Office, fill it out and send it to the office of IRS. There is no application fee. Make sure you send it through registered post to guarantee the safe delivery of your form. You can download PDF version of IRS SS-4 form from here.

IRS has launched their interview style application for FEIN where they ask you certain questions online and update their system based on the information that you provide them. There is no form to fill out and there is no lengthy process of waiting for the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) either. If you are using their system of interview style application:
  • You don't need to fill out an SS-4 form and send it to the IRS office anymore
  • You don't have to get into the lengthy process of application for FEIN
  • You must answer the online questionnaire provided by them
  • IRS will then validate the data that you have provided
  • You will receive your EIN number immediately after successful verification

IRS allows you to make an online application.

How to find FEIN number?

If you are looking for the FEIN of a company you may locate it using several different ways. Following are few of the ways you can locate EIN:
  • For public companies you may check out the 10-Ks, 20-Fs and other SEC filings. These companies often print the EIN on the first page of such filings. These SEC filings may be found through the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR database. It is free of charge.
  • For non-profit organizations you may check Form 990 in order to get the EIN. These organizations often include their EIN on this form that provides financial information and the names of executives of these companies. You may check Guide Star to access the database where you can find the Form 990 of several organizations. This is a free service.
  • Private companies may have it in their company website or the company invoice. You may use the website of KnowX which is a commercial vendor that allows you to search using a FEIN that displays a list of relevant results. You may be required to pay for their services.

Why do you need FEIN?

Following are a few situations when the Federal Employer Identification Number is required:
  • For starting a new business which is not a sole proprietorship
  • Purchase of an ongoing business
  • Any change in the organization type
  • When hiring employees for the first time
  • To create a pension plan in office
  • To form a trust

Can I use FEIN to purchase insurance?

Federal Employer Identification Number works best with businesses and not with purchasing insurance. Insurance companies prefer your Social Security Number rather than your Federal Employer Identification Number.

How is FEIN compared to Social Security Number?

FEIN is used by employers, partnerships, sole proprietors, non-profit organizations, trusts, corporations, estates, government agencies and other business entities. Employers may choose to use either their Social Security Number (SSN) or their FEIN for reporting taxes withheld on behalf of their employees. However, the credit bureaus and credit issuers can tell between SSN and FEIN.

Related Readings

What is a FEIN number?

Total Comments: 127

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 03:01 pm Post Subject:

According to the CA Secretary of State's Office ( http://kepler.sos.ca.gov/cbs.aspx ), there are several entities with names associated with Crown Oil. Currently active is:

Entity Name: CROWN OIL, INC.
Entity Number: C1870231
Date Filed: 01/24/1994
Status: ACTIVE
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA
Entity Address: 703 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. #100
Entity City, State, Zip: CARLSBAD CA 92011
Agent for Service of Process: WILLIAM B TREITLER
Agent Address: 3737 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH #109
Agent City, State, Zip: SAN DIEGO CA 92108

Prior to this there were:

Entity Number: C0453715
Date Filed: 07/01/1963
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA

Entity Number: C0058489
Date Filed: 09/17/1909
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA

Entity Number: C0142524
Date Filed: 12/15/1930
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA
Entity Address: 10472 SUNSET BL.
Entity City, State, Zip: LOS ANGELES CA 90024

Entity Number: C0491386
Date Filed: 05/26/1965
Jurisdiction: NEVADA
Entity Address: 351 CALIFORNIA STREET, SUITE 945
Entity City, State, Zip: SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104
Agent for Service of Process: T. L. BLAKE
Agent Address: 351 CALIFORNIA STREET, SUITE 945
Agent City, State, Zip: SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104

This last one may be the one you are seeking. As a Nevada corporation, it may still exist. I'll leave that up to you. As a last resort, you can contact the IRS. Should be public record information, especially if you are a former employee, or the heir of a former employee, or other person of "interest" with a legitimate right to know

Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 03:10 pm Post Subject: FEIN

I need my FEIN number

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 06:28 pm Post Subject:

Did you apply for a FEIN as a business owner? If so, you can go to any IRS office and obtain a copy of your FEIN.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 03:15 pm Post Subject:

I own a small car dealership why do I have to give my FEIN number to the insurance company

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 04:58 pm Post Subject:

You need to give it to them because they asked for it. It's how they track you in their computer systems, and it allows them to match your records to things like your wage and tax reporting for Workers' Compensation premium audits.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 08:17 pm Post Subject: Insurance Agency Tax ID Options

Hello, I have a quick question. What is the most common way that Insurance Agencies apply for FEIN with respect to articles of corporation?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:14 pm Post Subject:

The only way to apply for a FEIN is through the IRS, listing the corporation as the entity applying for the number, and the application must be signed by an executive officer of the corporation.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 06:10 pm Post Subject: companyies

hey what up. look is it possible for a companyies to have the same corporate id# and the same fein number for two different companyies because i have a company name labor force of virginia.inc in po.box 283 saint louis mo.63166-0283 have me working there and labor finder of virginia inc. both of these company has the same corp#id no and have my fein no with both companyies is that right please tell me what can i do

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 06:30 am Post Subject:

If the two businesses are in fact the same company, just using slightly different names in each location, it would not be prohibited to use the same FEIN for both. But if one is operating in Missouri and the other is operating in Virginia, each company will have a separate State EIN, as that number will be necessary for reporting state income taxes, not the federal taxes.

There's nothing YOU can do about the FEIN that a business uses. If they are not properly filing quarterly taxes/returns, that's a different story.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 01:14 pm Post Subject: sulfate revolution

functionality variation end

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