Met with an uninsured accident.. what do I do now?

by moy2133221 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 07:01 pm

I am currently a Cal State Student, also I just turned 18. I was in an uninsured accident on my way to school. I was driving on the street when a car went in front of me then moved quickly next thing I know I hit an F-250 on the side. The truck wasentering the center divider. The car I was driving was insured but for my mother and not me. I went to the hospital and now all the bills are coming. I was put down as the accident was my fault.

Total Comments: 21

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 02:17 am Post Subject:

Negotiate. The hospital will be willing to let you pay these bills over time. Since you have no income, they realize it will be difficult to collect. But start paying'll feel better and they'll feel better.

Of course, as for the driver you hit...

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 03:00 am Post Subject:

They will normally put you on a reasonable payment plan that you can afford following an uninsured accident, call them up and try to work it out with them. good luck and I hope this all works out for you.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 05:03 am Post Subject:

I have not looked at CA laws but you should report the uninsured accident to your mothers carrier. Even though you were not listed on her policy, there is a possibility that they will address the loss. If nothing else your mother needs to look for protection as she is the owner of the vehicle and can be held responsible for your actions.

Keep in mind that you have some large medical bills -and- someone elses truck to pay for.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 07:10 am Post Subject:

Boy, I think you are out of luck this time. Your mother doesn't have your name listed in her policy, hence the insurance company is likely to deny all the claims from this uninsured accident, i.e. any damages to the car along with your medical bills. Do you have a health insurance? or covered under your parents plan?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:54 am Post Subject:

Boy, I think you are out of luck this time. Your mother doesn't have your name listed in her policy, hence the insurance company is likely to deny all the claims from this accident, i.e. any damages to the car along with your medical bills.

This is NOT necessarily true at all! as tcope advised get this claim turned in to mom's carrier...I'd be very surprised if it were denied...if you have turned it in what EXACTLY were the reasons for denial?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 03:57 am Post Subject:

This is NOT necessarily true at all! as tcope advised get this claim turned in to mom's carrier...I'd be very surprised if it were denied...if you have turned it in what EXACTLY were the reasons for denial?

I don't sell P&C so please forgive the following.

How can she be covered under a policy that she is not listed on? I'd have a hard time seeing a life or health insurance carrier allowing a non-member to have any benefits unless that person was Hillary Clinton. Perhaps the dark side of insurance is different.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 05:25 am Post Subject:

The mother is the owner and has the insurance policy. The owner could be held liable for the uninsured accident (as the owner). I see no reason why the owners policy would not protect the owner by paying the claim (again, to protect the owner).

In many cases the owners policy can/will also treat the driver as an "insured". There are some cases that it won't but just because the driver is not listed on the policy does not mean liability coverage would be excluded. Actually, it's very difficult to exclude liability coverage.

Life and health policies are completely different in that they have nothing to do with liability.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:13 am Post Subject:

Nothing to forgive salpro22, tcope has answered it pretty much...for instance if I borrow your car (i'm not listed on the policy as a driver) and had a wreck will your policy cover me? You bet it will...would be a very very very rare occurance when a carrier could deny this...most of the time with an unlisted household memeber if there is an accident and the driver wasn't or hasn't been listed (more importantly rated and paying the premium for) as a driver the claim will be covered, and the driver added to the policy, some companies will ask the insured to back up and pay that increase in premium for the past (current) policy period to get the claim paid (i've only seen this three times in over twenty years though) any rate, unless that driver were excluded I have never seen these claims denied...and that could be the case, maybe daughter was excluded if so, she hasn't a prayer..

Life/health and P&C are so different they should'nt both even be called insurance ! :lol: Check your auto policy in the front under definitions of an 'insured' or 'insured driver'...big difference between auto and health/life... :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 03:18 pm Post Subject:

maybe daughter was excluded if so, she hasn't a prayer..

Even in this case there is a possibility of coverage. Some states don't allow the exclusion of liability coverage for liability, period, as it goes against public interest. That is, the exclusion benefits the insured (lower premium) but removes the protection afforded to others who have suffered a loss. Kind of breaks the whole reason why liability coverage (financial responsiblity) is required. Also in some states if the driver is not listed on the policy, the insured can lower the liability limits to the minimum required by the state. That is why it s a good idea for the OP to report the loss... you never know what coverage might be afforded.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 07:29 pm Post Subject:

Do you mean that unless my son has been named excluded and he drove my car and had an uninsured accident he would be covered under my policy? We always thought his policy covered him driving my car .That if he had an accident driving my car his insurance would pick it up.

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