Does insurance have the right to only fix part of your roof

by W » Thu Nov 13, 2008 09:02 pm
Posts: 1
Joined: 13 Nov 2008

A tree limb landed on my roof, State Farm only wants to replace or fix part of my roof, about 1/3 of it and leave the rest alone. This would cause part of the roof to be new and the rest to be old and outdated. Anything I can do? I've had a second adjustor come out and they pulled the good cop/bad cop saying the first one gave too much and the last one only would have replaced a few shingles. Am I getting the run around? Or am I basically screwed.

Total Comments: 21

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 02:03 pm Post Subject: business loan up to $ 5 million

We give loans up to five million dollars Could you be interested?

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