by lakemen » Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:40 am
I will put all the FAQs related to Latest Insurance News under this thread. You can use the tool from
Some of the frequently asked questions are:-
An explanation for the above FAQs
CSS classes explanation
.poster - for the poster icon
.postdate - the post date which appears with the post.
.topicstarter -
.ampmcomment -
.forumtopichead -
.forumtopicdescription -
.window -
.titleBar -
.titleBarText -
.toptitleBarText -
.titleBarButtons -
.clientArea -
.newstopictitle -
a.newstopictitle -
.ampmnewsbodybackgoundcolor -
#marqueecontainer -
.maintable -
.latestnewshomelink -
.insurancecommunity –
Some of the frequently asked questions are:-
- How can I change the width and height of the news box?
- Can I change the background color to make it more customized with my site?
- Can I control the news display options?
An explanation for the above FAQs
- How can I change the width and height of the news box?
Look at the included code carefully ( the first line) which includes a css file
link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
You can either copy this file to your own server and change the path in the code, example
link rel="stylesheet" href=" type="text/css">
Now you can modify the css classes to customize it.
Also you can copy the css classes inside your own css file (esp for free blogs) and modify the classes. is a nice example how the blog owner has copied the css classes inside his own css file and modified it. Read the css class explanation below for modifing the files. - Can I change the background color to make it more customized with my site?
As explained above by changing the related css class you can modify the background color. Read the css class explanation below for modifying the files. - Can I control the news display options?
Yes, let us know your requirement and we will make it happen. We have kept the system simple but with your requirement we can customize the code for you.
CSS classes explanation
.poster - for the poster icon
.postdate - the post date which appears with the post.
.topicstarter -
.ampmcomment -
.forumtopichead -
.forumtopicdescription -
.window -
.titleBar -
.titleBarText -
.toptitleBarText -
.titleBarButtons -
.clientArea -
.newstopictitle -
a.newstopictitle -
.ampmnewsbodybackgoundcolor -
#marqueecontainer -
.maintable -
.latestnewshomelink -
.insurancecommunity –
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