can you get unemployment if you are part time worker?

by Cherylguadagno » Mon Dec 15, 2008 05:58 pm

I was wondering if you worked parttime and got laid off, if you can receive unemployment

Total Comments: 6

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 04:04 am Post Subject:

Hey, your state law may play an important role in determining your eligibility for the unemployment benefits. Which state are you from?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 05:28 am Post Subject:

Hi Cheryl, it may well depend upon the contract drawn between you and the employer. In some states the part-time laid-off workers aren't allowed to collect the unemployment benefits if they haven't earned the minimum qualifying wage in the past or have failed to work for the required number of hours.

Coffee has mentioned it right, the state guidelines are important in determining whether or not you'd qualify for the UI benefits, because around 25 states don't cover the part-times workers with unemployment benefits.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 05:43 am Post Subject:

Your employment history is also important to determine your eligibility. The authorities just believe that workers with long employment history should only be allowed to collect the unemployment benefits. Hence, you may have to offer us the following information

*How long have you been working?
*Your reason for not seeking full-time employment
*You hourly wage rate
*Do you have the record of continuous employment for past six months?
*What is written in the contract that's drawn between you and the company?

However, there is another way to find out about it, check with the nearest state office, which deals with such matters.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 08:37 am Post Subject:

Yeah Ruth,
I'd agree with you that the reason for his avoiding a full-time employment could be considered. Then I do have a reason to believe that it would also take into account the reason for his getting laid-off in this case.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 08:45 am Post Subject:

Then I do have a reason to believe that it would also take into account the reason for his getting laid-off in this case.

Well, the benefits, if he is entitled to receive it, may not get denied if he is laid-off. It may be a consequence of the ongoing financial crisis.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:43 am Post Subject:

Definitely Ruth!
Many of us have been laid-off under the present crisis. Cherylguadagno would be the best person to state the real cause for his getting laid-off. But I'm just wondering whether the cause of his choosing a part-time employment could be counted within his eligibility criteria..

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