by Guest » Thu Dec 18, 2008 04:51 am
I currently have a full time and a part time job in Illinois.. My part time pays me less than half (hourly pay) from my first job.
My question is, if I get laid off from my first job but I keep my part time job, do I qualify for unemployment??
Some one told me that I still do, but they'll just match whatever hours you're short to complete your 40 hrs. Which make no scence to me because I can collect more money if I quit my part time job as well.. I'm I wrong??
Please someone help me find out what would be best to do since I had both jobs because I was very short on money and I don't want to lose my house
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 06:38 am Post Subject:
Since unemployment is state specific, your best off reading the FAQ page of your state unemployment website. I'm sure this question will be answered.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:00 am Post Subject:
Well, let me clarify one thing that quitting the job will disqualify you from collecting the UI benefits since its mentioned in the qualifying criteria that if one quits the job he/she won't qualify for the unemployment benefits.
Secondly, what tcope has said is absolutely correct, you have to refer to the state unemployment benefit website for the clarification.
Thirdly, you need to meet the states eligibility level of income to qualify for the UI compensation.
Hope it helps.
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 02:37 pm Post Subject:
Well, let me clarify one thing that quitting the job will disqualify you from collecting the UI benefits since its mentioned in the qualifying criteria that if one quits the job he/she won't qualify for the unemployment benefits.
Usually, but it still differs from state to state. In some states if you are told you will be fired so you quit instead, you can still collect UI benefits. But the OP states he was laid off.Usually a state deducts any amount earned from the benefits being paid. For example, if the weekly benefit is $500 and the person earns $200, then the $200 is deducted from the $500 benefit and only $300 is paid.
I collected UI benefits many, many years ago and before being laid off I had taken a part time job for some extra money. But it made no sence to work a few hours a week as I could make just as much being at home looking for another job.
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