Would I get UI benefit if I've quitted part-time job?

by Guest » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:31 am

I've quitted my job so I'm wondering whether I'd qualify for the unemployment benefits. I've heard that you might not get the UI benefits if you have quitted your employment. Does that mean no UI benefit for me? :(


Total Comments: 2

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 09:29 am Post Subject:

You have heard it write Phyllis.

The UI eligibility clearly mention that if you quit your employment you wouldn't qualify for the unemployment insurance benefits. However, there are certain situations where you might qualify for UI even when you have quitted the job. If you may let us know your reason to quit employment we may help your further.


Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 09:38 am Post Subject:

Here is a deal Phyllis... if you have applied for unemployment benefits after quitting job you must attend a hearing to determine eligibility.

Jeremy is right that quitting a job would make in ineligible for the UI benefits but there are certain circumstances where one may qualify for UI even after quitting, such as- if you have left your job to take care of ailing family member or dependent parent you may receive UI.


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