Does this make sense??

by Guest » Thu Feb 14, 2008 09:52 pm

Does this make sense??


I don't do supplements, I do Final Bills and give them to my customer to pay in full.


In my personal Opinion:

Point - 1. The consumer has an agreement with the Repairer to repair their auto as discussed between the repairer and the car owner.

Point - 2. The consumer has an agreement with the Insurer that says the insurer will pay for any covered loss, minus any deductible if applicable.

Point - 3. The Repairer is not listed anywhere in the consumers Insurance Policy and has no rights or obligations with or to the consumer's insurer.

Point - 4 The Insurer is not listed anywhere in the consumers agreement of repair with the Repairer, leaving the repairer with no rights or obligations with or to the consumer's insurer.

Point - 5 The repairer has no automatic right discussing and/or modifying that repair agreement at the request of any third party, which would include (but not limited to) representatives from, insurance co.'s, bank's, law firm's, in-law's, grandma, etc.

So... lets see.

Who is my customer? The consumer.
Who's responsibility is it to pay me? The consumer.
If the actual repair is less than the estimate I wrote, who do I charge less? The consumer
If the actual repair is more than the estimate I wrote, who do I charge more? The consumer.

Just like most other businesses on the Planet..!

I'm NOT a Claims Handler, I Fix Cars. It really simplifies things.

Its not my insurance policy, and its not the insurance companies automobile.


Total Comments: 21

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 01:02 pm Post Subject: Try article

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

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