I am Collecting unemployment in the state of OR. due to bein

by judy_koch » Mon Apr 13, 2009 05:34 pm

I am collecting unemployment benefits in oregon due to lay off. I now need surgery on my back. Can I still claim unemployment ? or can I change to a disability claim?

Total Comments: 65

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 09:05 pm Post Subject:

Of course workers compensation pays more than the other two. It gives you80% of your wages where as unemployment gives 50%.

This also depends largely on the state you are in. For example, unemployment in South Carolina will give 2/3 of the lost income...BUT there is a catch. It's capped at about $330 a week. SO if you were making more than about $25,000 a year...you can expect to lose a lot more than 1/3 of your income. If you make $50,000 a year...you will lose about 2/3 of your income!

Which brings us back to the fact that unemployment is supposed to be a very temporary aid!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 09:14 am Post Subject:

However, I see way too many cases of people that quit their job and still get awarded unemployment.

Doesn't the UI benefit qualifying criteria strictly mention that one wouldn't get unemployment benefits if he has quit the job voluntarily?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 07:10 pm Post Subject:

I am collecting unemployment in CA. I am still with the company but inactive due to lack of work. I will have surgery this month and I want to know if I can apply for disability instead of receiving umemployment?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 08:47 pm Post Subject: unemployed but disabled

i've been collecting unemployment for over one year but am about to run dry. i am disabled and want to know if I can file for disability after being unemployed for so long or did I need to earn income in the previous months? I was on workers' comp for a year, disability a year, worked 6 months in pain, collected unemployment for 12 months and hurt too much to go back to work....where to go from here?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:43 pm Post Subject:

i've been collecting unemployment for over one year but am about to run dry. i am disabled

If you are disabled you shouldn't have been able to collect unemployment AT ALL.. and if the state knew this they would've denied your benefit, or made you pay it back..you can't have it both ways..

want to know if I can file for disability

With who? SS?

I was on workers' comp for a year, disability a year, worked 6 months in pain, collected unemployment for 12 months and hurt too much to go back to work....where to go from here?

Good night nurse! :shock: how did you collect unemployment after working six months in pain? You'd have had to be laid off/fired, something, not just quit because you were in pain..if that were the case you should've went back on disability.

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 02:24 pm Post Subject: Disability and Unemployment Insurance

I have been unemployed since 2007. My job of 18 years suddenly came to a close due to "downsizing". After six months of receiving my employers severance package, I applied for Unemployment Insurance, which I have been receiving. I was granted Disability in 2009, not being able to work, nor find work. Can I still collect Unemployment Insurance? At least up to the date when I receive my first disability check?

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 03:10 pm Post Subject:

Can I still collect Unemployment Insurance?

No, if you are disabled you are unable to look for work, which of course is a requirement of collecting unemployment benefits,

At least up to the date when I receive my first disability check?

Perhaps, I would think more likely would be until the date you were determined to be disabled. Ask you benefits contact.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 04:25 pm Post Subject: collecting unemployment

I worked in oregon for four months and was denied unemployment do to not enough hours worked, but i was injured on the job and recieved workers comp for a year. Does the workers comp income qualify me for unemployment now that i am laid off and off of workers comp?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 01:20 pm Post Subject:

Does the workers comp income qualify me for unemployment now that i am laid off and off of workers comp?

I'm not sure but I doubt it, call your local unemployment office, and they will let you know. But I've got a better idea, how about looking for another job?

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:43 am Post Subject: Benefits

Will a person be alright if he or she stop their unemployment when he or she start receiving their SSD benefits

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