I am Collecting unemployment in the state of OR. due to bein

by judy_koch » Mon Apr 13, 2009 05:34 pm

I am collecting unemployment benefits in oregon due to lay off. I now need surgery on my back. Can I still claim unemployment ? or can I change to a disability claim?

Total Comments: 65

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:22 pm Post Subject:

I wouldn't think they'd have a choice, and the unemployment would automatically stop...it stands to reason if you are disabled per the SS you cannot seek employment, therefore not qualified to receive unemployment benefits.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:37 am Post Subject: unemployment benefits and disability

Hi! I'm collecting UI benfits in California. I just was approved for a second extension. My doctor just put me on disabilty for 6 weeks. Does that means the UI stops for six weeks until the disabilty runs out? Does the UI pick up automatically? Who do I speak to regarding this? From previous posts I've read I can assume I cannot get disability and UI at the same time. Thanks for your help. I appreciate it!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 01:12 pm Post Subject:

Who do I speak to regarding this?

I would start with my unemployment office contact.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:55 am Post Subject: Unemployment and Disability

I live in Oregon. I have been receiving unemployment since 2007. I am now disabled and am in the process of having Allsup help me with my disability claim. I have not signed papers with Allsup, yet. They say claim started on the day I called, which was a week ago. What do I do next? Can I still collect unemployment while I am going through the disability process: starting claim, claim review, decision process, and acceptance (by the grace of God, it will be granted).

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:23 pm Post Subject: Becoming disabled while on unemployment

If I become disabled while collecting unemployment benefits, can I file for SSD ? I'm 61 and will need to take retirement at 62. :?: :?:

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:54 am Post Subject: i f I quite while on disabilty do I loiose my disability

If I quit while on disability do i loose my benefits

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 03:45 pm Post Subject:

Hi! I'm collecting UI benfits in California. I just was approved for a second extension. My doctor just put me on disabilty for 6 weeks. Does that means the UI stops for six weeks until the disabilty runs out?

A little late on the response to this, but maybe it will help others in a similar situation.

If you are "disabled" you are not capable of working or looking for work. To qualify for Unemployment Insurance benefits you must be capable of working and looking for work.

The two are mutually exclusive. If you've been collecting unemployment, and are now suddenly disabled, you may be eligible for the state disability insurance benefit, but you are disqualified for the UI benefit, regardless. When no longer disabled, you may be able to reapply for the balance of your UI benefit.

To collect either, you must sign a statement, under penalty of perjury, that your answers to the questions about looking for work or being disabled are true and complete to the best of your knowledge. So if you lie on one or both, you are committing a felony.

Even if you could collect both, something known as "integration of benefits" prevents you from collecting more than either benefit would pay by itself. No double dipping, so to speak. Others have tried and been caught.

If fraud is involved -- as in committing perjury -- you'll soon have new employment . . . in the prison laundry or license plate shop -- with or without a disability. And your new "spouse" will be Bubba (or Bubbette).

If I become disabled while collecting unemployment benefits, can I file for SSD ? I'm 61 and will need to take retirement at 62

To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, you must satisfy their definition of disabled, which includes the all-important words: "Unable to perform any substantial gainful activity."

If you are currently qualified for Unemployment Insurance benefits, then the state has determined you are able to perform some sort of "substantial gainful activity" and are therefore not qualified for the Social Security Disability benefit. You may qualify for one or the other, but the two are mutually exclusive.

However, if you qualify for SSD, you will be permitted to remain disabled (subject to continuing certification of your disability) up to age 65. Your disability benefit is most likely larger than your early retirement benefit at age 62 would be, so you wouldn't want to take it under the circumstances. At age 65, you cannot be disabled under Social Security rules, even if your full retirement age is 66, and your disability benefit will automatically convert to the retirement benefit you are eligible to receive at age 65, which will be a couple of percentage points lower than your age 66 full retirement benefit. Just one of the quirks in the system that Congress never fixed.

If I quit while on disability do i lose my benefits

Are you asking about losing group insurance benefits? If the answer is, "Yes" . . . then the answer is, "Yes!" You could be eligible for an extension of health insurance benefits for up to 18 months under the provisions of COBRA, but you pay the full cost of the insurance (less any premium credits your employer would be entitled to receive under current federal law) with your own money. For many folks, the premium amount is cost-prohibitive.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:57 pm Post Subject: unemployment

I drew unemployment from the state of NY but live in another state.. in January 2010 i was told it was up to me but that back surgery was necessary..i figured as long as no one is hiring this would be a good time to get it done..with 3 months recovery time...i gave up the unemployment to get this done..i am now doing fine and ready to start looking again..can i get the unemployment back from NY if no one is hiring??

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 04:44 pm Post Subject:

If you are not living in NY, you are probably not eligible for NY unemployment benefits.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:36 am Post Subject: disabilaty

I have an existing condition that I dealt with while working. Now that Im not working due to downsizing my condition has gotten a lot worse and I dont think I can work a normal 8 hour job or even 2 hour job at that. I think I would qualify for disability but yet I am on unemployment and on a Very fixed income. I dont care if I cant be on both, I just need help because I have no insurance and my condition continues to worsen.

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