Social Security Disability Insurance – Who all are eligible?

by Guest » Thu Nov 27, 2008 09:19 am

What things do I need to know regarding Social Security disability insurance? How do you distinguish between SSDI and SSI?

Total Comments: 15

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 09:23 am Post Subject:

Social security disability insurance benefits could be availed by a person who is not capable of doing any productive work due to any physical mutilation or mental stagnation. Such a condition has to last for at least 12 months or may lead to death in order to fetch the benefits for him. SSI is know as Supplemental Security income which is a program backed by the general tax revenues and is not supported by the Social security trust funds.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 09:25 am Post Subject:

Hi all,
Social Security Disability Insurance benefits are offered to ones who are disabled without any proper income source or who do not possess enough resources to maintain their livelihood.

SSDI is offered through the Social security tax revenues collected out of different income groups e.g. employers, workers or self-employed. These benefits are being offered to a policy holder on the basis of his work history, while the worth of the benefits are calculated upon his income.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 09:27 am Post Subject:

Such a condition has to last for at least 12 months or may lead to death in order to fetch the benefits for him.

In order to apply for the ssdi benefits you don't need to be in a state of disability for 12 months. It is about the medical expectations that it would last for about 12 months at least or would have chances to end up causing death. Once you'd apply for the benefits, your application would be reviewed under a quality control team and could even be denied if the conditions are not fulfilled. Roddick

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 09:29 am Post Subject:

Hi case they approve your application, they would certainly credit you with all the ssdi benefits promised under the policy. Under circumstances that your application gets rejected, you may hand over your case to a state agency that deals with disability under the guidance of the social security administration. This agency might then approve your request which would again be subject to a thorough review. But this reconsideration stage is not there with all the states. Purpleheaded08

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 09:36 am Post Subject:

My friend, if your application gets rejected for the next time, then you would have the option to request a hearing under an administrative law judge. It would then be the judge's authority to either approve or reject it under his supervision.
In case he denies your ssdi benefits need, you may appear before the Social security administration appeals council. Under circumstances that it gets rejected further, you may file a case with the U.S. District court.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 07:58 pm Post Subject:

SSDI is only available to those who meet the SSAs guidelines and qualifications. In order to have SSDI potantially available:

Social security disability insurance benefits could be availed by a person who is not capable of doing any productive work due to any physical mutilation or mental stagnation. Such a condition has to last for at least 12 months or may lead to death in order to fetch the benefits for him.

Interesting way to phrase it, plasticmind. I like the "physical mutilation or mental stagnation" part. You're rignt... kind of. The terms that you used are a little off-beat, though. When I read "physical mutilation" I picture someone being mauled by an animal or in some type of horrible accident. On "mental stagnation" I personalized it a little. I thought of myself on the couch on Thanksgiving day after having dinner and more than one beer watching a football game. Basically the guy-thing interpretation of a vegetable. That's mental stagnation! :D But, I get your drift!

1. The S.S. beneficiary must have paid enough into the S.S. system through payroll deduction/self-employment tax in order to have enough "quarters of credit" (aka "work credits) to qualify as "fully insured" through the S.S. system. You earn one work credit per calendar quarter. You must have at least 40 quarters of credit (10 years of payroll taxation).

2. The beneficiary must also be "disability" insured; of those 40 credits, 1/2 of them must have been earned in 5 of the last 10 calendar years ending in the quarter of disability.

There are also situations whereby someone may qualify under their spouses' SS earning, but for SSDI- this is rare.

Assuming the insured qualifies per above, there's the disability itself:

1. The disability must be expected to last at least 12 months OR result in the person's death.

2. The insured must meet the SS definition of "disabled." The person must be unable to work in ANY substantial occupation within the "U.S. National Economy" based on training, education or experience.

3. The disability must last beyong the SS waiting period of 5 months. Think of this as a deductible in terms of time instead of dollars. If you went back to work 3 months after the date of disability, you haven't "met" the deductible, so no benefits would be paid.

About 70% of all first-time SSDI applicants are rejected, and attorneys that specialize in this are often called in to assist the beneficiary. On average, it takes about a year to be approved, and benefits would then be paid retroactive back to the end of the waiting period.

Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is a completely different program normally available to households which have had a bread-winner die and meet the fed's guidelines and grid requiremets based on kids in the hh, ages of the kids, family income and other things. The benefit is normally payable until the child turns age 16, and can extend to 18 if the child is enrolled full-time in H.S.

Good luck with the SS thing...let us know if you need more.

InsTeacher 8)

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:38 am Post Subject: insurance

With SSDI: don't you have to have some kind of statement/paperwork, from your personal Doctor stating you can 'no longer work/no longer capable..'? (One of many 'factors', I'm sure).

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 07:57 pm Post Subject: ssdi benefits

If the premiums to SSDI from my working years were out of post-tax dollars .Why now are they concidered taxable ? No where on any Tax forms does it give on option for this circumstance !

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 09:12 pm Post Subject:

They weren't post tax dollars. The FICA tax and the income tax have nothing to do with one another. You pay FICA tax up to $102,000 in earned income. If you are an employee earning W-2 wages you pay this tax no matter how many deferrals you may have (i.e. putting money into a 401k or paying health insurance doesn't avoid paying FICA in a given year like it does income tax). Once you receive social security disability benefits they can be subject to income tax just like social security benefits can be subject to income tax.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:11 pm Post Subject: taxing SSDI

Federal Income tax ,FICA and State taxes are all taken from your gross Income.Which is concidered post tax dollars.Pretax deductions are retirement plan contributions e.g.401(k),403(b) or certain healthcare and childcare contributions,e.g. those that are part of a flexable Spending Account (simple IRA PLans). For years people who recieve SSDI have been taxed on benefits twice,and people that don't care about it won't change it .The IRS says that they tax it because of the way Social Security puts the benefits in box 5 on a 1099.Social Security says that the IRS is the authority on taxing benefits and they have no control over their protocol. I say it's on injustice to all disabled people who have no say at all and can't afford to fight our Government .Every publication I read about post tax and pre tax payroll deduction's say the same thing.(Standard or base deductions that everyone who claims an income must pay Federal,FICA and state tax .State tax depending on where you live ,All of these deductions come from post tax dollars .

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