Even the basic is so expensive

by hummingbird » Mon Feb 04, 2008 07:08 am

My father in-law died 2 years ago. He left my mother in-law well off. He was not a rich man.he was a factory worker till he retired and he raised cattle also. he worked himself to death I think.He dies the year after he retired. Dies of a heart failure out in the fields running cattle.He had it fixed so that when he died every bill he owed was paid for.Then he left her a huge policy besides. Now my hubby if he passed away tomorrow I would be in the poor house...lol No insurance at all to pay for anything.What does a person do when to have insurance Even the basic is so expensive it is a choice between feeding the kids and having insurance?

Total Comments: 75

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 07:21 am Post Subject: See if this one works!

Hi sdchargersfan,

My brother has the L-98 Whole Life policy from Metlife.
This policy seems to have that power to generate tax-deferred cash values.
The premiums are quite flat throughout. You may try out this one!


Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 09:00 am Post Subject:

I think, life policies for the children are available in plenitude now-a-days and often they are also quite cheap. You can ask your existing agent about such policies or can do a bit of comparison shopping before purchasing one. And yea, the premium is likely to remain constant for any standard whole-life policy during its tenure.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:44 pm Post Subject:

There definately are alot of policies out there now with different ranges of coverage. My best advice is to look around, compare coverage and prices. Good Luck.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 02:35 pm Post Subject: insurance

Thanks, ya'll, for all of the advice. This is a small town, I live in, but..I'm sure I can do some research, and see what's 'right for me.' KBernstein..with Metlife?...does it matter what state you live in? Are they a 'nationwide' source?

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 02:37 am Post Subject:

Not sure there. I'm from PA and I know Met life is around here. You should be plenty busy trying to find one. There are plenty out there. Hope we all helped you.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 03:01 am Post Subject:

Wow! That story sure makes one wantb to run out and buy insurance.talk about the forever bills. They are electric,phone+internet,water +garbage,(ours is seperate) Some have gas,(I have all electric)cable,Then you have health insurance,home insurance and vehicle insurance after all that there isn't much left after food .lol Thats without any loans or mortage.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 03:57 am Post Subject:

Funny Hummingbird that you mention this. My husband was just paid today and as we were walking around Wal Mart just getting the groceries, perscriptions and wiperblades..just what is needed not wanted. We ended up on this very subject. I mean by the time we got out of there $112 later ,went on down for gas $62 and grabbed a cheapo meal at Mc Donalds $12, it all quickly added up. This is day 1 with 13 more to go and already we have spent $200 plus the bills that had to be paid. I think it is crap to only bed able to afford basics and for some people they can't even do that. Is it any wonder half the world is on prozac?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 03:06 pm Post Subject:

Right and you forgot to figure in the insurances all of them if you want to be covered.Then there went the old paycheck. Yes, it is a shame when living expenses takes everything .We never go into Walmart without spending over 100.But the IGA which is only 5 miles form our house is too expensive.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 05:28 pm Post Subject:

I can agree with you there about waving bye bye as soon as the paycheck come. Wal mart is the closest to us so that is pretty much were we shop. I try not to go more than once a week because even if it is just a couple items you always see a couple more and so on. We did get a Sams Club membership lat year. Don't know if you heard of it but it is a big discount warehouse. We go to it about every three months and it does help out alot to buy frequently used items (t.paper,shampoo,soap and so forth) by bulk. At this point every penny really does help. I'm really glad they passed that economic stimulus package, that is going toward insurance.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 06:51 pm Post Subject:

Oh Economic stimulus, I get to pay taxes with mine, so it ain't stimulating me at all. Seems everytime that I get an extra buck, somebody wants two.

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