by hummingbird » Mon Feb 04, 2008 07:08 am
My father in-law died 2 years ago. He left my mother in-law well off. He was not a rich man.he was a factory worker till he retired and he raised cattle also. he worked himself to death I think.He dies the year after he retired. Dies of a heart failure out in the fields running cattle.He had it fixed so that when he died every bill he owed was paid for.Then he left her a huge policy besides. Now my hubby if he passed away tomorrow I would be in the poor No insurance at all to pay for anything.What does a person do when to have insurance Even the basic is so expensive it is a choice between feeding the kids and having insurance?
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:07 am Post Subject:
Boy isn't that the truth. Sometimes I feel like I am soo depressed over these rising prices on gas that are causing everything to go up. Being winter doesn't help, makes ya feel more glum. I guess just keep hoping for the best. You know what I don't get about the whole economic stimulus thing? If your child is 17 you do not get a credit for that child. I mean most kids are still in school past that age and you still have expenses on the child so why cut it at 17 instead of 18. Not trying to sound greedy here but every little bit definately helps this way.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 01:01 pm Post Subject:
17? When did that happen? I have a daughter who will be 17 this month you mean next year we won't b able to claim as a dependant?d nothing about this.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 09:05 pm Post Subject:
It won't effect your stimulus rebate because she was still 16 in 2007 tax year. you will definately get the $300 credit for her. As for income tax for this coming year, that is where it changes.They changed that a few years ago acccording to my tax guy. Once a child reaches the age of 17 you can claim them but you do not get the child tax credit of $1,000 anymore. I know it is such crap. I couldn't get a child tax credit for my son this year or last. His birthday wasn't until Nov. 27, but since he turned 17 in that tax year and even though he was only 17 for 1 monmth in that year I couldn't get the credit.
I asked why they did that and I was told that alot of kids graduate by that age. Well its still crap cause they would go to school for most of there time being 17 and you still have to support them so why not get the credit? If you haven't got your taxes done yet or can call your tax person ask them about this. It won't effect you until next year at this time.Believe me I was stunned myself last year. That extra $1,000 credit sure would have helped.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:32 am Post Subject:
I thought the stimulus gave 1,200 for a couple and 300 each dependant child right? I have 2 dependant children .Does that mean we get 1,800.00? My tax lady has nver mentioned any of this to us. She is only in the 10 th grade and will have 2 more years of school after this year. SO we can claim her as a dependant but not get a child tax credit? That is bull crap! All the ways to keep you behind .No wonder we are heading for a recession. As if the hign price of gas hasn't cause enough problems. financially.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 01:53 am Post Subject: taxes
I'm a single, mom. I think mine is $400.00, or so. The money, for my son, will be $300.00. Talking about insurance........Life Insurance premiums may not be TOO bad. But, Health Insurance...OMG!!....i don't care what kind you want to get, it's STILL very expensive.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:04 am Post Subject:
Do they have any kind of health insurance plans where you are from? Here in PA they have a program called Blue Chips for kids, offered by the state. It is not welfare of any kind. It is for all kids without insurance and they base how much you pay by how much you make. The only thing you need to qualify is you can't have any other type of health insurance avilable to you through work. I know people who pay hundreds of dollars a month to cover their family members.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 03:05 pm Post Subject: health
yes, 'Fireyone', they do have Blue Chip. But....when I looked into it, 'they' said there was a waiting list a MILE long. I din't think there was a waiting list, for this kind of Insurance. I inquired, about this, recently.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 06:04 pm Post Subject:
We have KChip I have that for our kids. You pay a small premium every moth and a small price for each prescription.Never heard of any waiting list though.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 07:24 pm Post Subject:
Sounds like you have it all covered then. MY kids are covered through my husbands health insurance blue cross. It is pretty great coverage but those co-pays and 20% add up quickly. Last year alone we paid almost $2,000 in those costs. It sucked but hey et least there was coverage.
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 04:01 am Post Subject: health
I thank you for ya'lls advice and comments. I'll check into some other things, for my son. Now that I think about it, maybe it was the Chip Basic, for adults, that has a waiting list.
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