Senior Healthcare Consultants/RJR Insurance

by InsInvestigator » Wed Mar 10, 2010 05:21 am

Senior Healthcare Consultants/RJR Insurance's business practices are currently being investigated.

Promises Made-Promises Broken

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of SHC's business practices, agent and management [mis]conduct. Representations made to new agents about leads, marketing, and commissions, management structure, travel requirements, and agent impound / equity / hold-back accounts.

This is, by no means, a place to slander. libel, or defame SHC. Any such posts will be eliminated. My purpose is to gather information from as many sources as possible and use this to "help" that company with their future business practices/agent relations.

I am hopeful this can be done without litigation and the media attention a class action lawsuit would surely generate.

Total Comments: 1507

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 06:49 pm Post Subject: Mark Colbert

Mark J. Colbert, Phone: 209-357-3423 ...

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 08:01 pm Post Subject:

Or they can call my toll free number: 1-800-995-0787

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 05:51 pm Post Subject: Thanks...

.....for saving me lots of trouble!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 06:30 pm Post Subject: Dodged a bullet

Thank you to all who are posting here. I have an online interview with Fritz simmons tomorrow at 1. I have absolutely no intention of working with this company after the 12 pages of complaints I have read through. You guys are doing a great justice here. I have a quote that I believe these people need to take and think on. " Integrity is who you are in the dark" think about it. This company seems to be in a desperate short supply of it. the truth will stand for itself.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 09:53 pm Post Subject:

I'm glad that the word is getting out. So, how did the interview go...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 04:36 am Post Subject: Thanks for warning-It Is Appreciated

A thank you note to the ones who have come forward and revealed the inside works of shc. Without a doubt I would have bought the total package presented. Coupled with the fact that to lose money and suffer due to finding out the truth later..........I thank you.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 07:42 pm Post Subject:

Is there anyone out here who has been successful with SHC Marketing? I just accepted an offer on Friday and am making sure it's what I want to do prior to quitting my other job that doesn't pay me enough and there are no guarantees for moving up with the company there. I currently work 2 part time jobs to make enough $ to pay for my bills for me and 2 daughters. I think I would succeed with SHC but was told the distances to travel are 90 miles from home. I see notes where people drive 3-4 hours...I'm a little concerned at the discrepancies. Apparently need to look further into this prior to quitting my other job.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 05:31 pm Post Subject: Driving Distance

FYI - they will have you in a 3 county area - so NO GUARANTEE - I was driving up to 3 hours!!!!! Plus you might not know until the NIGHT before where you will be going next day!!!! I would really question them on the distance - plus you will be working from 6am - maybe 1am after driving times and FAXING in paperwork times!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 09:11 pm Post Subject: SHC Bad Decision

Don't go and work for them. I did it. They offer no field training, yell at you and belittle you when you don't make a sale. The hours are horrible, 6am conference to the late hours of the night. Too much driving. No other insurance company requires an upfront fee from the agents, which is the biffest scam of all. Any customer I saw never even heard of the company. If you haven'y made the decision final DON"T DO IT.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 02:41 am Post Subject: Same stuff 2 yrs later

I am a little bit curious as to why the same stuff is being repeated 2yrs later. Can the Department of Insurance or Better Business Bureau or even SHC come up with a solution to this problem. Or are they going to be allowed to keep on screwing very hard working and trusting people? They have gotten to be a real joke and third party material in the insurance business. Ask anySHC agent, that shows up on YOUR door, how long have they worked for the company. Enough said, until they are set to the side!

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